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To learn is just a fancy way of saying you’re shoving new crap into your brain.


-"I finally learned that if I keep my mouth shut, I won’t get my foot stuck in it."
-"I’m trying to learn how to not be a complete idiot."

by Dan_78653 January 3, 2025


I'm going to learn how many stabs it takes to get to the center of a crippletard.

Learn!? I'll learn what raping a whore that fucked a retard feels like.

by Hym Iam December 9, 2020


I mean, you say that but you're still just doing what you're doing.

Hym "I mean, yeah, you don't ever seem to learn do you? It's weird that you can acknowledge that what you're doing isn't working yet still you persist. But that's fine. If you won't learn your lesson on your own, the child-murder will teach you."

by Hym Iam March 13, 2024


Figuring out something you didn't know, or being taught it, but then probably forgetting it 5 minutes later.

What did you learn at school today?

by TheManWhomSpeaks June 12, 2023

distant learning

The worst thing to ever exist

Daring quarantine for 2020 we need to do distant learning


Never Stop Learning

A slogan gear to motivate educators, students, and tradesman to keep learning, or risk becoming irrelevant. The only constant is change. Technology and Automation are making jobs less routine and more cognitively challenging.

"Never Stop Learning" will become the new slogan for Educators, Students, and anyone who wants to keep thriving in the new world of work. "knowledge is the new resource"...

by www.theweeklydeals.com August 18, 2018

Learning Yellow

This yellow is a special type of yellow because the hex code is #abc123.
The RGB values are R67, G76, and B14 or R67.1%, G75.7%, and B13.7.
Meanwhile, the CMYK values are C11, M0, Y82, and K24.

This combination of colors gives a Learning Yellowish.

by i4ba6g4rigt February 24, 2024