Logic which is stereotypical of a female. A decision/act which isn't backed by substantial reasoning, and is purely a consequence of feeling/intuition.
Jake: Shoot! Rachael said she doesn't want to talk to me anymore.
Mike: Why? What happened?
Jake: I don't know. She said she just doesn't want to.
Mike: Typical ovarian logic.
The practice of engaging in excessively pedantic argument, going to the extreme and unnecessary intricacies.
"Let the Almighty step in and arrange things in a proper way. No more logic-chopping!"
used by the Indian revolutionary Bhagat Singh in his essay - Why I am an Atheist, while ridiculing the theists for their ultra-philosophical answers of grief in the world and God's role in it.
meaghan does something conflicting and then makes no sense, meaghan logic
Meaghan: mutes during a facetime-- her reason is she doesn't want me to hear her chewing her food, but she mutes after opening the box, which is effectively ear rape, the chewing is not disturbing, her whole reason is to prevent a disturbance, and yet she does so prior to muting. Her point? None. Her reasoning? Voided. This is meaghan logic folks.
logic that makes 0 sense, not just to me, but to you, your mum and Capri
Gaz: I don’t like drinking in the day coz it might make me look green
Ben: mate that makes no sense, such Gaz logic
When you know there are consequences to the situation you are in but don't care what they are.
I am going to jump off this roof with wild logic
Physics or logic so rediculously stupid , you'd have to be in Hyrule (or Termina) for it to make sense
Friend: Wait so when I restart the three days I loose all my arrows, money ,bombs, and fairies , but I don't lose my bow , bomb bag ,or bottles? How does that work?
Me: Zelda Logic
A term used when an item, event, or entity in-game is considered illogical and does not reflect what would happen in real life. Also, many people hate PR logic, they say it's unfair, not understandable, and not even explainable.
Noob: HOW?! This water shouldn't have killed me!
Intermediate: Some water kills you, some water doesn't. Must be PR logic.