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Self machine

Another name for a human so called because most humans are very very selfish. They only look out for there own asses and if you can look out for or help your self that just tough.

Most people are just self machines.

by Judge dredd7 June 1, 2011

Racket machine

Juke box

He was standing with his back against the racket machine.

by klbr August 6, 2009

Cell Machine

Cell Machine is a 0-player simulation game, where player has no control over the simulation once it started. By carefully placing different cells the game provides, you can create unique machines. This cellular automata game was made by Sam Hogan for a game jam.

TheTrashCell is a popular YouTuber who makes videos about Cell Machine.

by Milenakos October 2, 2022

Goo Machine

A vagina

Im going to put my hand in your Goo Machine

by bacon69 February 6, 2010

Pulling Machine

A person (mainly a boy) who is usually seen chatting up girls (or boys) at parties. They may have numerous girls (or boys) around him/her. The term comes from the term "pull" meaning to attract someone to a point where they start to have casual sex.

Guy 1: "Did you see Ryan with those birds?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, he's an A-class pulling machine!"

by donkin' D December 21, 2010

Machine Technolgy

A shop at a Tech high school where people like to park there vans.

why is it so crowded in machine technolgy?

by yohoeeits February 19, 2009

trigger machine

a person or thing that constantly triggers you. A trigger machine can be anything you want it to be. Most of the time, trigger machines are your parents, teachers, or annoying friends. You can joke around with your friends and call them trigger machines.

my professor is a trigger machine because he keeps the class late all the time.

Vika: Elly, you are such a trigger machine!
Elly: Why?
Vika: You're always late to school!

by vikachula January 28, 2020