A phrase used to say that you are going to make a large purchase or spend a lot of money, commonly used to say you’re doing your holiday shopping.
MOM: have you gotten your dad a Christmas present yet?
YOU: no, I still need to go to Macy’s. I haven’t gotten anyone’s present yet.
YOU: this is an expensive store; I guess I’m really going to Macy’s today.
Well, if you find a Macy brown, never let her go even if your grandpas grave depends on it. She will NEVER leave your side no matter if it’s over a boy or any sort of drama anywhere. You’ll go through a lot of “best friends” but once you find a Macy brown, you will know you have hit the jackpot. She is so talented in everything she does but mostly rodeo. She works her butt off and never quits until she is done. She is one in a million that is for sure. If she makes a mistake, she owns up to it. She will not let any one or anything fool her over because she knows what she wants and how things should be. You’ll see her driving her big ass semi down the road with her blonde hair, always looking like a bad ass. No.one.is.like.macy.brown
damn did you see that hot girl driving that big badass semi? I think her name is Macy brown
beautiful goddess, pro football player,
macy lucas is a football goddess
A space cowboy, thinks he has an enormous cock, but in reality has a 2” punisher. A male prostitute that doesn’t charge anything but pussy. If you know a richard Macy than you better stay away from him unless you want to sleep with him. 100% of times he is bisexual. Do not make eye contact with him unless you want to have a 30 second sexual encounter.
Don’t be a richard Macy, he’s a man
A laid back kind of guy with a good eye for beautiful women. He's all man though, and will stomp a$$ if need be. Amusing & at times cleverly funny.
I met a really observant man that knows how to keep a poker face, he reminded me of Macy B.
Maci is a kick boxer who will fight anyone who runs up on her. She is proud to show off her butt to any guy
Maci Martin just beat Kim up because she didn't like her clothes