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Liberal media

A derogatory term used by conservatives to describe the media in order to defend their shitty talking points

โ€œCNN is bashing Trump again, what a surprise coming from the liberal mediaโ€.

by max0277 October 18, 2019

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pitchfork media

The one music review website on the internet where the reviews are at least semi-tolerable. This is due to the fact that they're not being written by thirteen year olds (like on Absolutepunk) or by 40 year olds who only listen to top 40 radio (like Rolling Stone) but by actual WRITERS. Indie kids like to shit all over Pitchfork because they give bad reviews to bad music with no exceptions and only hypes bands that are too obscure to name drop to strangers you met at the Anberlin show.

Indie Kid: I can't believe Pitchfork Media gave the new Death Cab for Cutie album a 6/10 but gave some twat named Vampire Weekend a 9/10!

Sensible person: Have you ever even listened to Vampire Weekend?

Indie Kid: Well, I haven't seen them on Fuse yet.

by trafficjamparades December 21, 2008

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corporate media

A term used by people (i.e., communists), who think that all corporations are evil, therefore news outlets which corporations own are untrustworthy. These people are usually so far to the left that they fail to notice that the mainstream media leans to the left. This is especially ironic, since it is this leftist, liberal bias which makes mainstream networks untrustworthy -- not its "corporate ownership."

"Amy Goodman likes to whine a lot about 'corporate media.'"

by Gahmuret October 15, 2006

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Fossical Media

Media that old people (or fossils) use instead of social media. Like pen and paper and newspapers.

My grandpa only uses fossical media.

by Kikipuff March 1, 2015

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Mainstream Media

TL;DR Version:

Every news outlet is owned by a billionaire or $100+ billion corporation.

Every news outlet ignored or underplayed the Epstein story--not a single "journalist" (see: *company*) asked why the feds didn't try to strike a deal with Maxwell for the client list.

We know the client list. Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Alan "I kept My Underwear On" Dershowitz, Trump's attorney--none of them have been brought in for questioning.

(NOT TLDR Version)

Bloomberg is owned by billionaire Bloomberg. MSN is owned by Gates. Murdoch owns Fox News/Wall Street Journal. The Allbritton fam owns Politico. Carlos Slim has the largest stake in the NYTimes. Sumner Redstone owned ViacomCBS. Bezos owns The Washington Post...

Disney owns ABC. Vanguard/Blackrock are the largest stakeholders of MSNBC. Turner controls CNN, along with 200 countries around the world.

Other countries work similarly. The biggest publication in Belgium is owned by billionaire Van Thillio family... etc.

Meanwhile, every news outlet is sponsored by Pfizer ads--notice zero news outlets asked why "the science changed" so many times.

Why are you considered a "conspiracy theorist" and compared with flat-earthers if you ask these questions?

If you have good answers to any of these questions, then it sounds like the Legacy Media is for you :)

(Why did ABC and CBS (legacy media outlets) both censor the Epstein story and even fire a staffer for leaking the story?

"Little Libby Libby knew that white people were the biggest threat to humanity because she heard it from the TV--but what the Mainstream Media left out was that 5 corporations, all ran by a billionaire mafiia club, control all the news channels."

"Don't worry about the Epstein/Maxwell Client List; the Legacy Media *should* be talking about how Kanye West is mentally ill for wearing a t-shirt. And Tiger Woods having consensual sex with prostitutes receiving more attention than a cartel flying to an island for children? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

"While you were out watching 'The Bachelorette,' the MSM convinced everyone that the biggest problem in the world was race... little did they know that the MSM was entirely and absolutely owned by just a few billionaires who needed to distract humanity from 'classism' because then people would REALLY tweak out."

by Eyyyy Nephew Bernard! March 10, 2023

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Virgin media

They go down all the fucking time and their crappy hub/modem combo will lose you a tenth of your bandwidth by being half a meter away

Virgin media is a crappy isp.

by SomebodyYouWillNeverKnowHehehe May 12, 2020

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Green Media

News or media that uses green screen technology to purposefully alter reality or deceive viewers.

Jimmy do you see what is on FOX!?

Fuck it Zach! That is just some green media bullshit!

by imjohsep April 26, 2011

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