Mel is a desperate girl. She seeks for male validation every time she gets the chance to. She does not take care of her feet or herself in general. She goes after everyones ex because she thinks shes superior and a one of a kind. When shes really just a used toy who uses her body as validation. She is seen as a horse by others and a far spread out eyed female.
Mel, she started it, so I was defending myself
Mel started it, I was only defending myself from this bully and she started it, 😂 😀
Mel Dean/Driscoll is the one messin with a very ill ladys husband .... did I mention they are seniors
Mel - did you like the red koliang food
mel is the greatest bestest person in the world. i trust her with my life.she is so kind and so hard working and i love her so much. she’s sooooooo fun to talk to and is soooooo funny i love her soooo much and so glad she came into my life.
“ what would i do without mels “
mel is the greatest bestest person in the world. i trust her with my life.she is so kind and so hard working and i love her so much. she’s sooooooo fun to talk to and is soooooo funny i love her soooo much and so glad she came into my life.
“ what would i do without mels “