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Miley Cyrus Movement

When you delete your twitter for absolutely no reason. Or if you delete it and make a rap about it, and post it on youtube.

Girl: OMG @andy12345 deleted his twitter for no reason!

Other girl: I guess he joined the Miley Cyrus movement.

by courtcourtcourt October 31, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

miley cyrus virus

When you twerk really badly and you uncontrollably stick your tongue out in pictures.

Also, you touch yourself sensually in front of other people. Can infect guys too.

Jim: Hey, what's up with Brianna? Why is she sticking out her tongue while twerking horribly?
Rafael: (whispering) She's got the Miley Cyrus Virus.
Jim: Oh, that explains everything.

by Jeaneth February 21, 2014

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Miley Cyrus Suck

Nickname for a really good blowjob.

Miley Cyrus is now offering a Miley Cyrus Suck!

by WhoDatFreshBoi April 1, 2017

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sue miley

a futanatri the just wants to make babies with her huband , kai satou

kai: no, sue miley , i will not make any more children

by XxxK1Y0K3T4M1N3xxX October 23, 2020

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Miley Save Fuzzy

Horrible black-mail to a horrible singer with horrible tweets.

Started with Miley's deleting of her twitter account, really pissed off a lunatic fan. This person threatens to kill/cook/eat her cat if Miley doesn't reinstate her twitter account.
it is legal in this person's country to eat their cat (part of their culture?!) and I find it ridiculous that she thinks shes making a statement with this because if its legal, they're just following their culture, not actually making a difference.

Miley Save Fuzzy:
"The other day I asked myself: 'What can I do to bring Miley back to Twitter?' Fan video? Petitions? Letters? That never works. Heck, Miley even made her own video about never wanting to use Twitter again. Then I looked at my cat, Fuzzy and I realized, maybe Fuzzy can help. Fuzzy can make the ultimate sacrifice for this cause. It was very difficult for me, you see, as I sincerely love Fuzzy. But my mind is made up. I could always get another cat, but nothing can replace Miley's tweets for me!"

by HandHugsFTW October 30, 2009

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Miley the singing turd

A nick name for Miley Cyrus because she is a retarded redneck whore and a skank.

The name was given to her by the haters of Miley Cyrus which is a club and a movement of people who hate Miley Cyrus because she is in love with herself and a skank.

There's Miley the singing turd.

by Judge dredd7 May 17, 2011

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miley {massacre}

The most wonderful girl on myspace... she TOTALLY rocks!

You can talk to miley {massacre} at myspace.com/mileymassacre9

by Rae Miller November 24, 2007

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