1. A very offensive word, stemming from the Latin word for the colour black, that was used by slave traders and owners to refer to their slaves, who were considered ignorant, stupid filthy animals. Nowadays is mostly used by ignorant, intolerant people of white European ancestry to refer to any person of dark Sub-Saharan African ancestry, whether the subject be poor or rich, having below average moral standards or exceptional moral standards, etc.
2. A very offensive word, stemming from the Latin word for the colour black, that was used by slave traders and owners to refer to their slaves, who were considered ignorant, stupid filthy animals. Nowadays is mostly used by ignorant stupid, criminal, filthy, lazy and all-around irrespectable people of dark-skinned Sub-Saharan African ancestry, whose language is derived from, but not intelligible with English. Derivatives of the word, coming from the complete laziness of the described people, and/or the utter stupidity possessed by said people, such that they can not understand, or pronounce the proper English language, include nigga, niggah and similiar corruptions of the proper spelling and pronounciation. Said word is used by said people amongst each other much like dude in the Californian Surfer language or b'y in Newfoundland English.
Although this word is very offensive when spoken by any person of non-black African descent (especially English or Germanic ancesrty), it has no offensive value when spoken by the two-faced, racist vermin and filth who use it amongst each other. Said people will very often call a white person a cracker or a redneck (which are equivalent terms referring to a person of white European descent), but when referred to as a nigger by a white person, will come together and beat the helpless white person, kicking him when he is down.
1. Slave Owner: Get to work, you stupid lazy nigger, pick that cotton before I get you with this here bullwhip!
2. African-American 1: Wuddup, my bad-ass homie niggah bruder frum anudder mudder, howz it hangin'?
African-American 2: No bad, niggah. Aftah gangbeetin' dat whiteboy crackah' last night, and dat gangbang on the sixteen year old girl, I felt so good nigga dat I busted dis jewellery store's window and got myself some bling, niggah!
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1)a word used offensively to describe a black person that should never be said to anyone, no matter who says it. see racist
2) for some odd reason if a white person says this then they will be killed
3)many ignorant black people call other ignorant black people nigga as some sort of twisted term of endearment
I'm black but I'm not going to call you a nigger because I'm not ignorant and it's wrong to degrade other people because it's "cool"
12๐ 11๐
When someone who is black tells you to do something and you do it, therefore you have been niggerized.
Lamar: Can you give me the TV remote please
Alex: Here you go
Lamar: Ha you just got niggerized!
12๐ 11๐
Nigger is a word for a stupid, ignorant, perfectly healthy welfare receiving, dumbass who wears clothes 3 sizes too, big speaks in ebonics, typs lik di$, wants the world to feel sorry for them and happens to be black. Similar words exist for each ethnic group(beaner, cracker, gook... and the universal stupid little punk). Just so were clear nigger is not a racist word because it applies only to the portion of black people who give the rest of the black population a bad name.
Rappers- niggers
"Gangstas"- niggers
Eddie Murphy- not a nigger
Martin Luther King- not a nigger
Kunta Kinte- not a nigger
19๐ 20๐
A word which is meant to be derogatory to blacks. Most people bitch about how its okay for blacks to call whites crackers, but not okay for whites to refer to blacks as niggers.
Although both words come from the times of slavery, the word nigger has become a symbol of prejudice and hatred, and was used to identify blacks as sub-human. People who dont see why the word nigger is such a big deal, dont understand the long history of racism that the word represents, and how it feels to have the n-word used in hatred against you.
The word, "cracker," is not surrounded with such a painful history.
But in reality both words shouldn't be said by anyone of either race.
nigger is a bad and hateful word.
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Oh let's learn some Niggerate. This Niggerate is awesome.
15๐ 15๐
Being extremely wasted, drunk, beaten up.
Similar to getting fucked up.
A word that should never be used by a white person.
Getting niggered doesnt necessarily mean u got 'niggered' by a black person.
1. John got 'niggered' in a bar fight last friday.
2. Toby got 'niggered' is his presenation at collage.
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