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Mug exchange blue balls

Office terminology. When you have a mug exchange scheduled, but one of the participating members calls out of work that day or claims their mug hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. Therefore, postponing the mug exchange.

Lissett called out of work and left me with Mug exchange blue balls.

by michaellu March 11, 2019

Ball Blues

It is when you want to have sex, but you are an incel, and you can´t have sex until the whole universe decide it for you... whe nthe stars get aligned... or when your wife decide to be good with you....

Example 1:
-Man!, i have ball blues... aaaagh!
-Oh dude! again? do you want some budsex?
-WTF! I'm not that desperated

Example 2:
Tonight my girlfriend killed my ball blues... Now i'm fine! :D

Example 3:
-What happen with you? why so anxious
-I'm desperated to finish my working hours, this ball blues is kiling me...
-Don't tel me you're going with scorts again! Dude!

by Sinvídet May 12, 2022

chinese blue balls

When you've been craving Chinese food and your friend promises she'll go with you.... then bails.

Grace and I had been planning on going to PF Changs for months. When we finally picked a date she ghosted me! Now I'm stuck with Chinese blue balls!

by Bootywatchin June 15, 2017

Blue Balled

When you warm up in the bullpen for multiple innings but do not go into the game.

Dude skipper just blue balled me to put in the lefty specialist.

by The man formerly known as Bass March 28, 2022

phantom blue balls

When you lose your testicles in a tragic bicycle accident. Then, when denied the sex acts, a phantom pain in the missing balls is reported not unlike pain experienced in the missing limbs of amputees.

Ugh, she said no again so some sweet sweet lovin’, my Phantom Blue Balls are gunna be keep me up all night.

by VerdeBayloties December 9, 2018

Blue balls December

Once it is december. U have to try and not get blue balls from porn or ass looking

Kid 1:Damn,her ass is fine
Kid 2:U know its blue balls December

Kid 1:Oh

by Jesus Perez is straight December 2, 2019

emotional blue balls

The feeling of being overwhelmed by virtual love and affection from another person but without a viable outlet to express this love, so you end up feeling sad and alone.

Friend 1: Ugh, i’m getting major emotional blue balls right now from my long-distance girlfriend.

Friend 2: What? Why?
Friend 1: look at this sweet paragraph she just sent.

by haileyray June 22, 2021