What happens to people when they get frustrated and confused by bad sequel titles for a series of movies, video games etc.
The person who is affected by this will question the decisions by the companies which named the films what they did, often in an angry way. This condition can manifest in big fans of the series who are used to the numbering of their series or people who are just a bit obsessive about the ordering of items.
Joe: Hey James, what's up?
James: I can't believe what they named the new film in my favourite series, I was so used to the crisp clean ordering of the films in the franchise and now that they've just dumped this horrible title out... I'm just pissed off at them now!
Joe: What's the problem by this exactly?
James: What's the problem? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM!? The problem is that they've tarnished my favourite series of movies! Just look at these names!
Halloween II
Halloween III Season of the Witch
Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers
Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers
Halloween The curse of Michael Myers
Halloween H20
Halloween Resurrection
Joe: Ouch, that sucks.
James: I know right? I have every right to be chronologically confused at this shit! Why didn't they keep numbering them? WHERE DID THE FUCKING NUMBERS GO?
When you put your male genital inside of the butthole of a female with male body parts that’s thinks their a zebra
Last night was so confusing I almost confused dickshit
Started out as a theory, but over the years has developed into a law: If you can't tell, it's always a man.
The bros were walking through the gay parade on Halloween and were overwhelmed by all the tits, when one of them remembered Rabbanian's Law of Confusion. They were all on high alert and realized any pair of those juicy titties could easily be accompanied by a set of dick and balls down low.
Not understanding something or how some people type...
Also women... I don't know how to talk to them Its very confusing ><
My American Friend: I'm so confused... Why do you spell color like Colour. you my friend are VERY confusing
My British self: why do you spell colour like Color?! same with you my confusing friend
something that happens way too much during conversations
So........You is me?
No, Me is Me.
Oh, you is me but me is me
Wait no, what?
This is too confusing.
ok but you isn't you.
When you and your bsf act angry at eachother so your friend, Nic is confused, this Phase ends when you feel like it
A:hey, ready for the Confuse a Nic Phase?
B:yeah, let's go