What i turned to after Pöme's and my 8th divorce.
Left me for a card reader, gimme that booze.
Pome, they'll hear 'bout you.
Having a damaged liver as a result of alcohol consumption
My uncle is a booze bruised alcoholic
Food you eat specifically at the end of a period of drinking
Please take me to Taco Bell on the way home. I could use a booze sponge.
The sweat that drips down your boobs soaked up by your bra
After doing all that yard work, heather's bra was rancid. Her bosom booze had soaked that thang to the core!
when you go to look at the wall of the liquor store to remember the drink you can't remember because you had such a good time drinking it
Hello good sir (to liquor store clerk/sommelier) I’m just Deja Boozing trying to find what I had such a good time drinking last weekend.
a rash following several nights on the beer, caused by blood poisoning.
Hey mate, your holiday in Ibiza must have been a cracker, as your sporting a top booze rash.
A hot female who regularly goes to the bar with no intentions of buying her own drinks
Chad: “dude I’ve been buying this girl drinks all night.. I think she’s going to come home with me”
Kevin: “no dude, she’s just a booze bunny”