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Rim jobs

Licking assholes

I hate Metroid Prime I also like to give rim jobs.

by Anonymous October 31, 2003

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Combat Rim

n. v., pron: 'k'öm-bätt rïmm'
(1) the unbearable non-stop itch sensation in and around the anus, resulting from prolonged exposure to the harsh climates/conditions, non-permissive, high stress and unhygienic environments encountered in combat. One obtains the condition by neglecting to thoroughly clean themselves after a dump rushed to completion due to surprise contact taken from the enemy;
(2) a violent never-ending itching sensation obtained via use of government issued sub-standard, under-moistened/dry wipes and/or cleaning materials over an extended period; (3) an impossible-to-resist urge to aggressively dig in one's ass as a result of under-cleaning the post-dump anus and surrounding crack. Combined with stress-induced, irritated hemorrhoids, this can be a most unpleasant, insanity-inducing experience.

-Corporal 1: "Hurry your simple ass up!"

-Corporal 2: "FUCK OFF! I'm droppin' a deuce! I'll be done in a minute!!"



-Corporal 2: "AW FUCK!! I'M GONNA GET SUCH BAD COMBAT RIM!"*pulls up pants/returns fire*

by BlackhawkDown August 18, 2013

Rim Jiley

A sex act involving the drummer of the acclaimed country band "Rascal Flatts", Jim Riley, where a person licks Jim Riley's tasty asshole while he performs some of the greatest music of the early 2000's.

Friend 1: "I had a backstage pass to the Rascal Flatts concert, and I got to Rim Jiley Jim Riley!"
Friend 2: "Wow, Life really Is a Highway!"

by Fmwhiskers July 1, 2019

Rim job

When you go to a tire place and ask for rims on your tirea

Sir can I have a rim job please?

by Ric Spade November 13, 2020

Black Rims

The vehicle of a person who has spent way too much money on a 4x4 and has no intention of every being used off-road.

A 4x4 that will never see anything harder than a speed bump in a mall.

That Jeep has some nice shiny black rims.

by Joshyutah October 13, 2017

Rim Pai

A devious sexual act, usually performed after ingesting large doses of magic mushrooms and exposing buttholes. It involves fingers, cocks and tongues. Unfortunately it can only be experienced in the city of Pai. You must see for yourself…

During my gap year I went to Thailand and did a Rim Pai with some mates. OUTRAGEOUS FUN!

by smechelmonster December 20, 2021

oak rim

When you lick from the asshole to the tip of the dick.

Guy 1: hey man, I heard you hooked up with Stacy, is she a freak?
Guy 2: oh yeah, she went all disgusting on my ass and oak rimmed me.

by DrCowmoon February 13, 2016