Reagan a super mean girl. Normally a burnet or red head. Bully’s everyone. But when she gets in trouble she lies and blames it on everything. Reagan can be sweet, but her friends only hang out with her because there scared of her.
Reagan’s a mean and selfish girl
I very uncool guy who just rick rolled me and I didn't like it
You heard of Reagan
Oh yeah I hate him he rick rolled me
An amazing beautiful girl who loves soccer and is blonde. She is brutally honest sometimes but she’s awesome!!!
Reagan is a great friend!
A cool guy who is named after US president Ronald Reagan.
Reagan is a cool guy.
A brunette badass who usually keeps to herself. But once your her friend, you'll see she's loyal and funny and very much a crackhead.
"Here comes Reagan" "She's a good friend" "She's such a Reagan"
Reagan’s are typically brunette. They are sweet and loud but shy. Reagan is most likely a popular girl and loves attention. A Reagan loves to shop, and spend time with friends. Reagan is very focused and typically gets what she wants, because she works for it. Reagan is probably one of the best friends you will ever have. Reagan will always be there for you no matter what.
Wow! That you so much Reagan! I really needed a hug! You are the best friend I’m so grateful to have you as a friend!