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Rocket Fishing

The act of exploring the inner tissue of the male urethra with ones pinky finger.

On wednesday, Carl and me were messin' around. One thing led to another, next thing I knew we were rocket fishing! I pulled out and took a sniffy and was appauled to discover that urethra stanks like an olde batch of collard greens!

by Chris Whippel December 4, 2008

27πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

crotch rocket

chick and cop magnet

"Hey can I have a ride?" Goose it to make 'em hold on tighter, brake hard for mush-action.
"Driver's license, registration, proof of insurance please." Heard more often than above unless you don't stop...

by White punk wannabe rapper November 22, 2003

550πŸ‘ 244πŸ‘Ž

rocket fuel

Spirits with high Alcohol percentage. If it tastes like burning, it's rocket fuel.

Ben: Try this Absinthe man!
Andy: *throws up* This shit's rocket fuel man!!!
Ben: *Laughs*

by Eli Bedlam April 11, 2006

90πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

rocket nigger

A nigger attatched to a rocket who flies around stealing stuff like cars, basketballs, fried chicken, and people's legs



by Nipple Cripple!!!!! March 20, 2005

252πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Pocket Rocket

A boner

β€œOh Tyler over there has a pocket rocket”

by Uhhhwtf October 19, 2017

52πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

London Rocket

When a fully loaded frat guy busts in a girls mouth then then she sneezes due to the guy's tickiling pubes forcing her to jump in the air and shoot the load out of her nose resmebling a rocket launch... a countdown is optional

that girl sure was a nasty trick she took a ride on the london rocket

by leonard the ram May 6, 2009

46πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Rocket league

Slang for having rough homosexual sex often times with multiple men

Hey wanna play rocket league

Yea let me see if Levi wants to play

Ok bet can’t wait

by Quakers oatmeal May 4, 2021

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž