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This person can drive you up the wall, she is obnoxious and clingy. she can be intense and assume you want to hang out all the time. She is short with blonde hair and blue eyes. She stirs up drama then doesn't want to be in it. she loves to take charge but always fails. she tries at sports and ends up injured because she just isn't good at it.

Team Player: Where's sam?? She isn't in her spot.

Other Team Player: Shes laying down in the middle of the feild.

by anonomous3456790 February 26, 2021


if you dating a guy or know a guy named sam get out of there as quick as you can girl if is toxic in whatever relationship. they will stab you in the back, be disloyal, dishonest and most of all break your heart.

Girl 1: so who have you been talking to

Girl 2: oh umm his names sam

Girl 1: babe you gotta get outta that real quick

β€˜a month later’
Girl 2: He cheated on me πŸ’”πŸ˜©

by dodobird November 8, 2020


gay faggot

stop being a sam

by d4rkgold May 13, 2022


Sam is a gay male. He touches my titties and gets to high. I love Sam because he is the sweetest and plays Minecraft with me. He bullies 8 year olds and is cute. No one could not love Sam! Especially When drunk πŸ₯°

Quinn: look it’s sam!
Matt: I’m gay for Sam
Quinn: who isn’t uwu

by PuggyGal April 24, 2019

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


despite many aggravating instances usually a good friend to have but also a asshole. sometimes.

Hey have you seen sam?" " No but i can see his ginger hair from over here.

by Funny as hell7 December 8, 2010

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Suck Ass Mother Fucker

Cat #1 Whos working today?
Cat #2 Bill.
Cat #1 Yeah, he's a SAM.
Cat #2 True dat!

by Hommie G December 4, 2007

58πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


A cheating ass bitch

β€œEw his name is sam? He’s probably cheating and ugly”

by Ilikechickens1 October 23, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž