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A word used to describe a dick when it is whipped out quickly or if it is 7+ inches.

Guy1: "He whipped out his schlong THIS FAST"
Guy2: "How fast?"
Guy1: "so fast"

by cooldefenitionmaekr April 17, 2024


Big massive cock of godly proportions

She wants to see my manhood because rumor has it I have a long dong schlong!!!

by tpulley1966 June 27, 2022


An absolute beast in the bed, the longest of male genitalia, the subway sandwich that you always get. The schlong is a massive cock that all the ladies want, they will die for a one-nighter with this 7-footer. They get horny just thinking about this long, sometimes black, schlong. If you want to experience a schlong for yourself, you want to aim for the darker human males, they are born with the BBC, sometimes measuring in the double digits. As a wise man once told me: "Blacker is bigger.", and he sure was right. The gods of the schlong usually have a lower intellect, and most of the time have the following names: Chad, Dequavious, Tyrone, and Jacob.

Joseph: Holy shit Tyrone, you got a monster in there!
Tyrone: Yeah, I do nigga. Eat this schlong right now.

by Toasted Toebeans November 4, 2022


when you’re gay and your dick is really long even if you don’t have a dick

dude this line is almost as long as my schlong
hell yeah it is dude

by richiefricketyfrackingtozier October 21, 2019


synonym for medium/average. Its a mix between short and long.Can mean both close and far.

Ugh the Cinestar is too schlong away.
I waited so schlong for this moment!
His cock was quite schlong !

by woodpequa666 February 7, 2018


You hardly ever see a schlong that is bigger than a head, unless it's made of rubber. That must have happened for a reason.

If you've watched a porno before, you notice you dont see a schlong larger than a head. Most guys are not 10 foot tall avatars, avatars might have schlongs larger than a human head.

by Solid Mantis August 29, 2020


The definitive slang for a guy’s (or a hermaphrodite’s) cock. A much better sounding word than penis.

That son-of -a-bitch’s schlong must be 10 inches long. He got it stuck in his zipper and had to take it to the emergency room to have it extricated.

by Macsloan January 15, 2021