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VP Social

Someone who rises to the occasion to plan or help plan a course of events that will lead to legendary night out. In order to keep acting position of VP social you must be awesome at short term planning, on the spot decision making and networking. VP social is an electoral position where majority vote in a crew designates VP social to a 2-year term unless performance of acting VP social is compromised or lame.

Emily was removed from acting VP Social role due to poor performance to make epic night out, burgers alone were round like meatballs. Jeremy organized 50 shades of awesomeness time and time again that led him to be the VP Social in his crew.

by Durtis May 23, 2013

social recluse

n. A person who voluntarily removes themselves from social situations, or society altogether.

"Dear Diary,
I've decided to become a social recluse. So far, I've lowered my friend count down to a 50 something woman named Robyn, with a 'Y.'"

by Ironic Ian July 11, 2008

90๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

social climber

(n.) Similar to an "attention whore", but a social climber is anyone that becomes friends with someone else if they have something that they want, which we all know involves people. They become 'friends' with people who "know people". In turn, they become (or attempt to become) 'friends' with that first person's more "popular" friends, leaving the first person behind. Repeats this cycle to "get to the top", in their own mind, until they realize they are shallow and unable to like people for who they really are. Inevitably, they will be forced to "mature" beyond this. This usually pertains to girls more so than guys.

Cat becomes friends with Nate. Cat is very nice to Nate because Nate's friends all throw good parties. Cat plays on Nate's (painfully obvious) attraction/interest in Cat to get her and several of her friends rides/free alcohol at Nate's friends' parties. Cat meets some other people who know about parties and social things through Nate's party, and eventually doesn't see any more USE for him. Cat is a social climber, because to her, friendship is just a game and other people's feelings don't matter, because she doesn't feel them.

by Jeffro November 8, 2007

693๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

A shitty emotional disorder that ruined my life.

I have had social anxiety since i was a kid. I was the class clown type in school but hated oral presentations which eventually caused me to drop out all together. I was on every party drug known to man to hide from my anxiety which led to an outrageous social life. I quit drugs at 20, went to uni and majored in math so i wouldn't have to give speeches. Now 23 with Bachelor of Mathematics, still a nervous idiot and about to give up.

Suicide is all that is left, keep your chin up socially anxious peeps.


by Craig Smit June 7, 2006

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social casualty

someone who's a victim of society

"I don't wanna be another social casualty"

by PurplePonycorn December 10, 2014

185๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Blackout

Deactivating social networking profiles for e.g Facebook which connects you with your friends for temporary period just to stay isolated is known as Social Blackout. Extreme Social Blackouts results in switching off the cellphone or worst case scenario going to a place without telling anyone for temporary period of time.

Michelle: Where were you yesterday? I dropped a lot of text messages, even your facebook profile was deactivated. Is everything alright?
Jim: Don't worry. I'm alright now. A thought was troubling my head from so long so i gone for a Social Blackout.
Michelle: Baby, you can ask me to come over. You know i got so much worried about you.

by Reet Awwsum July 8, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Social Network

Brilliant, generation-defining film which tells the story of how the popular networking site Facebook was created. David Fincher's direction along with the brilliance of Aaron Sorkin's words in the mouths of young actors(namely Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake) giving incredible performances makes for one of the best films of all time. Just brilliant.

Guy No.1-"Hey, did you see that facebook movie?"
Guy No.2-"The Social Network? Yeah, it was awesome."

by Blue_Angel93 February 25, 2011

115๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž