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sound spam

sound advertisements that load and play automatically ruining whatever you have going on your iPod already and possibly killing your eardrums if you have your headphones on and volume set to high.

Hey dude, you go to that site I sent you?

Ya man, what was with the sound spam? I loaded the page and some audio started playing automatically. Totally harshed my mellow.

by vlectronica December 31, 2010

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sound manager

the sexy beast that sits at the back of the auditorium. usually has a completely useless assistant. Is talented and knowledgeable in all things sound. Has the best taste in music. May also be known as Audio Jesus, Sound God or Sound Goddess. Do not piss them off because they will either shut your microphone off during your solo or strangle you with an XLR wire

friend: what are you doing tonight?
Sound Manger: off doing soundy things, as the sound manager i have no life

actor: make sure my mic sounds good
Sound manager: it would sound good if you actually said your lines like your would in a show when we do mic check.

by LovelyHate May 25, 2011

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sound beach

Sound beach, a really ghetto town with heroin dealers everywhere and houses smaller than a mini bus.

Need some good stuff?

Nah im good, im from sound beach

by Tyrone from LI June 22, 2017

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sound beach

Sound beach-some ghetto ass long island town with heroin everywhere and houses that are the sizes of mini buses.

Where can i get some goods?

Just go to sound beach!

by Tyrone from LI June 22, 2017

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sounding the alarm

In business, the pre-curser to "blowing the whistle" or "whistle blowing". Typically, it is the act of generating awareness to upper management of illegal or unethical activities being committed by senior leadership in a firm or corporation, without disclosure to the media.

Ex. "It was Doug's choice in sounding the alarm to the Board of Directors regarding the financial irregularities performed by the CFO".

by ImperialSaint22 June 10, 2013

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sound as a pound

Welsh valleys slang, believed to either have originated from, or given rise to, the 'can of lager/alcopop for ยฃ1 until 7pm' promotion that Merthyr's former premier nitespot The Zone used to run. Now means much the same as sound and safe in the complimentary 'cool' sense, expressing one's admiration for another individual/thing.

'That guy's sound as a pound, mun'

by The Moai April 19, 2005

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cave sounds

scary sounds that occur when you are in a minecraft cave

cave sounds, whaaaa!!!!!!!
steve, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by loopsipรฅp September 10, 2020

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