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unicorn sperm

The sperm of a unicorn has magical properties in which the "catcher" can start to read peoples' minds and even input thoughts into the minds of others; it can even go as far as reaching the person's dreams (inception-like symptoms)

Roommate 1: "Dude, what the hell is unicorn sperm doing in a baby food can in our refrigerator?"

Roommate 2: "No."

by thrasher92 October 29, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Burnt Sperm

Left over sperm or semen in someones asshole from a prior fuck that is re-fucked by another dick and thus becomes overheated and burnt. It's odor is that of burning flesh and feces put together.

Bob: This girl, Kim Cumbox, farted on me while we were fucking and it smelled horrible!
Fred: Haaa! You fucked her!!?? That ass is FULL of Burnt Sperm! You better take a shower!

by [Ball Squeezins] March 1, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


of all the sperm that left your fathers jewel sack
you are the one who made it

so deal with the hand that you have been delt, or else you are just a crash test dummy for a rubber vortex
or a spill to clean up by some migrant worker

live for the sake of chance

Even at your lowest point in life, pull up your pants and realize that you are not plastered to the skin of a kleenex skin . You were strong enough to penentrate an egg amist the carnage of your fellow ejaculates. Hold your head high and carry on, for you are a lucky sperm.

by alan cornelious john o connell(AGENT LUCKYSPERM) March 18, 2008

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sperm guzzler

1. A drink, usually consisting of milk jelly and cherry vodka.

2. Someone who enjoys swirling sperm around in their mouth.

Boy #1: Wow he's holding in a lot.
Boy #2: Yeah pack him a sperm guzzler and you'll never go to bed alone again.

by Banri Tanaka August 20, 2003

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sperm catcher

A tuft of hair grown under the center of the bottom lip.

Dude, Howie Mandel really needs to shave off that sperm catcher.

by Jutrizzle January 5, 2007

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sperm digger

any girl that wants to steal the profeta boys' sperm but will eventually find her way into forrest kline's pants. she will eventually be killed by a duo that consists of gordie and chelsea kline.

jorden is a sperm digger.

by annoyed hgb fan July 14, 2006

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Sperm Donor

A Sperm Donor is a guy who goes to a Sperm Bank/Clinic and masturbates until he ejaculate all of his sperm into a cup. Then the clinic is supposed to give it to a girl who wants to have a kid.

The sperm donor's intention is to merely gets paid for donating his sperm and have no financial responsibilities for the child that comes from the girl who injects his sperm into her vagina! - Period!

However, some girls try to sue the guy who donated his semen to her for child support, KNOWING that the guy only donated his sperm cuz he thought he wouldn't have to support the child!

*Location: Sperm Clinic*

Smart, successful and sexy teenage boy (18 years old) after masturbating and ejaculating out all of his sperm turns to the nurse and says: "Okay, here's my sperm.- This is anonymous and I won't have to pay child support later cuz that's what a sperm donor is, right?"

Nurse: Absolutely! Now here's your $600 for your donation.

****** 9 Months Later*****

Girl who injected the guys sperm and birthed a baby gets a lawyer to call the guy who jacked off for money: "Hello, your sperm was responsible for the birth of this child, so I'll see you in court to discuss you paying child support to this girl for the next EIGHTEEN YEARS!


Lawyer: Federal Law: Your Sperm=Your Baby. - See you in court.

***The End***

by Penisboy123 December 31, 2011

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