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support our troops

by far the most successful propaganda catch phrase in American history

If you don't support the war, than people assume that you don't support the troops either, and for that you must be a selfish, malignant coward who doesn't respect the sacrifice that these amazing men and women apparently give for our freedom

Unfortunately the average American citizen is so brainwashed by mainstream news that they do not even realize that this is propaganda

John: I don't support the wars in the middle east. they're all completely blatant examples of imperialism

by pasta776 February 9, 2012

45๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

trump supporter

another definition for anyone with a brain

"i'm a trump supporter because i have a brain"

by Dripxy January 25, 2021

151๐Ÿ‘ 4154๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tech Support Scam

When someone from India cold calls you and says you have a problem with your "dextop" computer. They use scare tactics, such as the Event Viewer (eventvwr) and the Tree command in Command Prompt to try and convince you that you have a "wirus" on your "dextop." They ask you to pay a large sum of money for the "fixes," and if you don't pay, they try to put syskey on your computer, which locks you out of your computer. Popular topic for Youtubers and pranksters.

#1: Did you get that call from Microsoft yesterday?
#2: No, it was a Tech Support Scam. It was not Microsoft.

by Scam Buster August 30, 2016

27๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

emotional support character

A character in any media form, usually from a TV show, that a fan feels close to emotionally and becomes their favorite character on the show. They would hypothetically die for that character because of how highly they think of them and would protect them at all costs.

"I cried when Charlie died in Supernatural"
"She's just a character on a TV show. It's not that deep"
"But she's my emotional support character"

by thehalocline June 4, 2020

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Biden supporter

Another word for brain-dead weirdo.

Person 1:Hi Trump I am a huge fan!
Person 2: Well I am a joe biden supporter!
Person 1: Oh hi Brain-dead weirdo!

by Comicalkayla@last December 19, 2021

260๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

microsoft customer support

A phrase that may be used to describe anything that does not exist.

"Dude, that unicorn is just like Microsoft customer support!"

by Herter1 February 15, 2009

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customer support fever

A sexual preference of non-Indians for denizens of the Indian subcontinent, particularly after India's sudden rise to power, following the economic boom of the early 21st century. The "customer support" moniker stems from the fact that people who call Customer Support for large software companies will often end up speaking with an Indian person.

White guy: Have you seen Aishwarya Rai? She is freakin' hot!
Asian guy: Man, you've got a bad case of customer support fever!

by f.o.b. jew October 27, 2007