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Your mother.

Person1:roses are red
person2:violests are blue
Persone1:your mom is a hoe and so are you

by Your new step dad :) February 25, 2022


A tool used for gardening, you dirty-minded kids.

My uncle fixed his soil with a hoe.

by DoctorCIean April 2, 2020


A girl who is hoe-ish
pertaining to that one big bootied girl

Damn Sophie is such a big bootied hoe!”

by cloutlin February 11, 2019


Usually someones mum.

His mum is a hoe,

by afafcsargfacsdaG December 7, 2018


A garbage human being who won’t stop talking to you for a while then out of nowhere they ignore you and move on to the next guy on there list. Like you never even met each other

Person 1: When I was...

*3 weeks later*

Person 2: Yo. She never talks to me anymore.

Best Friend: Watch out. She’s a hoe!

by SteveJobsFan101 November 2, 2018



Jocelyn is a fucking hoe.

by Jocelynisahoe June 7, 2019


Someone who is just stupid.

ya a hoe chucky.

by yalldumb May 19, 2019