or grandma if refering to a girl): an offensive term for a person who is always quetching about, as the name suggests, about the weather.
N.B: this term was named based my personal observation that it's mostly old grumpy grandmas and grandpas that quetch about the weather.
everybody hates a weather grandpa, especially when the person doing the complaining is under 40 of age and is driving everyone around them nuts.
(weather grandma for a woman): an offensive term for a person who is always quetching about, as the name suggests, the weather.
I decided to coin the term weather grandpa based on my personal observation that it's mostly old grumpy grandmas and grandpas that quetch about the weather. Not only that,but everybody hates a weather grandpa especially when the person doing the complaining doesn't understand that they can't do a rat's ass about the weather.
Nickname for George Washington, because he’s on the dollar bill
A male who has inherited their grandfather's racist views and beliefs, usually due to spending time together in excess.
John's rob is so white, he must be a grandpa's boy.
If an elder fucks the mother of a daughter you fucked he is your Eskimo grandpa.
My friend's dad fucked the mom of a girl I fucked so he is my Eskimo grandpa
Often referred to as NTJ (Naked towel Jason), Grandpa J, Papa Johns, J Pops, Towel Jason, and J man. He is someone who carries a towel 24/7 and believes beddings such as a pillow and blanket is overrated. He sleeps with little or no clothing. He LOVES to sing opera in the bathroom, especially La Donna È Mobile. From the outside he looks like a bamboo stick, however, he is even more of a bamboo stick on the inside. He has an AMAZING jawline, it gives everyone a paper cut just by looking at it. His iconic style often includes a casual button up shirt (the top button must be buttoned up), khaki pants, and thick converse.
"Wanna go g it with the world's best best grandpa!!!?" - Wise friend
"He probably is a naked towel" - Wise friend
"Japanese, just very Japanese" - Other wise friend
"Laughs like a monkay" - Other wise friend
"He is a very nice person, I personally would sacrifice myself for him" - Another wise person
Any weapon left to you in a will by a relative. Not necessarily a pistol, or even a service weapon, but usually. Generally left with an instruction not to use it for anything retarded. Usually in very good condition.
So named because of the stereotype of a grandfatherleaving his favorite grandson his service pistol.
abbr: GSP
Guy1: Hey, where are you going.
Guy2: Taking Grandpa's Service Pistol to the range...
Guy2: But... that's a shotgun.
Guy1: Yeah, "Grandpa's Servoce Pistol" is just what I call any weaon left to me by a dead family member.