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weather grandpa

or grandma if refering to a girl): an offensive term for a person who is always quetching about, as the name suggests, about the weather.

N.B: this term was named based my personal observation that it's mostly old grumpy grandmas and grandpas that quetch about the weather.

everybody hates a weather grandpa, especially when the person doing the complaining is under 40 of age and is driving everyone around them nuts.

by Sexydimma March 7, 2013

weather grandpa

(weather grandma for a woman): an offensive term for a person who is always quetching about, as the name suggests, the weather.

I decided to coin the term weather grandpa based on my personal observation that it's mostly old grumpy grandmas and grandpas that quetch about the weather. Not only that,but everybody hates a weather grandpa especially when the person doing the complaining doesn't understand that they can't do a rat's ass about the weather.

by Sexydimma February 5, 2017

Money Grandpa

Nickname for George Washington, because he’s on the dollar bill

he’s the money grandpa

by JarvisBanned February 1, 2021

grandpa's boy

A male who has inherited their grandfather's racist views and beliefs, usually due to spending time together in excess.

John's rob is so white, he must be a grandpa's boy.

by Shattergang Ace December 31, 2024

Eskimo Grandpa

If an elder fucks the mother of a daughter you fucked he is your Eskimo grandpa.

My friend's dad fucked the mom of a girl I fucked so he is my Eskimo grandpa

by Big papa Fritchy March 1, 2017


Often referred to as NTJ (Naked towel Jason), Grandpa J, Papa Johns, J Pops, Towel Jason, and J man. He is someone who carries a towel 24/7 and believes beddings such as a pillow and blanket is overrated. He sleeps with little or no clothing. He LOVES to sing opera in the bathroom, especially La Donna È Mobile. From the outside he looks like a bamboo stick, however, he is even more of a bamboo stick on the inside. He has an AMAZING jawline, it gives everyone a paper cut just by looking at it. His iconic style often includes a casual button up shirt (the top button must be buttoned up), khaki pants, and thick converse.

"Wanna go g it with the world's best best grandpa!!!?" - Wise friend
"He probably is a naked towel" - Wise friend
"Japanese, just very Japanese" - Other wise friend
"Laughs like a monkay" - Other wise friend

"He is a very nice person, I personally would sacrifice myself for him" - Another wise person

by Universally Handsome Man July 21, 2022

Grandpa's Service Pistol

Any weapon left to you in a will by a relative. Not necessarily a pistol, or even a service weapon, but usually. Generally left with an instruction not to use it for anything retarded. Usually in very good condition.

So named because of the stereotype of a grandfatherleaving his favorite grandson his service pistol.

abbr: GSP

Guy1: Hey, where are you going.

Guy2: Taking Grandpa's Service Pistol to the range...

Guy2: But... that's a shotgun.

Guy1: Yeah, "Grandpa's Servoce Pistol" is just what I call any weaon left to me by a dead family member.

by Al Golston November 20, 2011