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Mall of Memphis

Leveled by Whitey, dirt field. Home to bums. Used to be known as Mall of Murder. Remodeled in '97, knocked down in 2000.

Ya'll know them crackers axed the Mall of Memphis don't you?

by Angellica January 18, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

mall cute

(adj., male) Generically attractive. The type of boy you might find roaming around the mall with a group of friends who all have the same haircut and similar clothing. Also can be used as a noun: mall cutie.

Girl 1: Our waiter is so cute.

Girl 2: Eh, he's just mall cute. There's nothing that special about him.

by aerinha June 24, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall of America

The biggest Mall in the United States. You think it's big, but then you go and you're like "THIS is what I've been dying to see???" Being a native Minnesotan I never had to go through the dissapointment of seeing the mall for the first time. It's only big because there is an amusement park in the middle and an aquarium in the basement and nightclubs and a theater on the 4th floor.

Chick from Utah: "I'm so excited to go to the Mall of America!"

Chick from Minnesota: "It's nice and all, but don't get your hopes up kid."

*after they arrive*

Chick from Utah: "Fuck this!"

Chick from MN: "Told ya so"

by Don'tYaKnow/YouBetcha! April 4, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

strip mall

a mall that's outdoors ._.

ILAIKNIKKAS@teh strip mall

by darriane September 6, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall Ninja

A person, usually high school to college aged young white or Asian male, who purchases weapons, such as samurai swords, maces, spears, scimitars, fancy looking knives, daggers, and nun-chucks at a shopping mall, usually from stores like Merlot's Cutlery, China Capital Arts, or various privately owned Oriental gift shops. Will talk trash to each other about the quality of their swords, which they will never use for anything in real life. Some of these people will pay high prices to purchase "better" swords on the internet, in the range of $300 to several thousand dollars, to out-do their friends or enemies who bought their blades at the local shopping mall. These people are often goths, thugs, or kids who are at the bottom of the social totem poll.

Dude, Mike owns like 10 samurai swords, 4 pairs of nunchucks, a bowstaff, and throwing stars. He got them all at China Capital Arts. He is such a mall ninja.

by Lupara2012 July 28, 2012

126๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž

mall boarding

when you go to an abandoned mall, start skating on its sweet, smooth marble floor when some fat ass douche bag yells" hey no mall boarding in here!!!" and threatens to call the cops. then you proceed to out run him in a slow jog then skate your way out of the mall to piss them the fuck off

Douche: HEY! no mall boarding, im calling the cops!

you: fuck the police (skate your way out of there)

by em&sa January 28, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall Cop

Stuck up, snobby people that think they're so cool because they wear a uniform & work for $8/hour inside a mall. They can usually be found harassing kids that look different & ignoring the real trouble makers or can be found making up lies to have a reason to kick kids out of the mall.

Mall Cop 1: Hey, look it's kids wearing tripps

Mall Cop 2: Yeah, let's go harass them & ignore the kid in jeans shoplifting from that store.

Mall Cop 1: We're the coolest people in the Stroud Mall!

by idk91295 June 14, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž