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terri schiavo

Some fat cow that has been plugged into a food hose for the past 15 years. She's the suject of a legal battle over whether or not she should die.

The part I find the funniest is that she had a heart attact due to the lack of electrolite in her body, which was a product of her BOLEMIA. I mean, the bitch didn't want to eat in the first place.

by Giefer March 31, 2005

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Terri Schiavo

This lovely lady was brought into this unfortunate situation a decade and a half ago. Now it is the liberals and the asshole husband of Terri, Michael Schiavo who are allowing and even supporting the murder of this disabled, brain-damaged (but NOT braindead) woman.
She was a devout Catholic, so the tens of millions of other American Christians and God are seriously concerned about this horrible act against humanity. There is no doubt about it, God is MAD, especially since this is one of his believing children! If Jesus were walking around today, she wouldn't be in this condition (which Michael Schiavo put her in, by the way) because he could and DID perform miracles. It's not our fault, or hers that she is in this condition and therefore unable to please that bastard husband of hers. What's worse, that adulterer has been going out and cheating on her for all of these long years. Some dedicated husband he is, eh?

God is not pleased by these inhumane acts being taken against Terri Schiavo. The people responsible for this will surely pay in time.

by Journey Fan March 26, 2005

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Terrible Terry

When, during a threesome, the man cums in one of the women's butts, while the other girl joyfully licks it out of the other girl's anus. The girl who did the licking then proceeds to spit the cum back in the face of the girl who had the cum licked from her anus.

Since he is so sexy, last night Lee gave Megan and Michelle the terrible terry.

by Terry B @ AMC July 22, 2006

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Terri Schiavo

The poor, lovely girl who absolutely cannot help the state she is in. She is obviously conscious, as she can follow movements with her eyes, and has the ability to respond in her own ways. She is NOT completely braindead. If she were, her bodily organs wouldn't even be able to operate, and she would subsequently die, not to mention she couldn't respond to anything in any way, shape, or form.
However, this woman has managed to survive like this for 15 long years, so her brain is obviously functional. Now, that mustached-prick Michael Schiavo wants her to just die, and her feeding tube was taken out roughly four or five days ago. This has turned into a massive controversy, now involving the government in Washington. Of course, George Bush's appeal for Terri's life was denied by those who not only support ending lives, but hate Bush as well (what a coincidence).
Hopefully, with a miracle, or actions by people with COMMON SENSE, this disabled woman's life will be spared. Hey, Democrats are Nazis; I totally agree, these liberals are supporting murder! What's even worse about this is they're murdering her SLOWLY, through starvation.

We must take action to save Terri Schiavo's life, or she WILL die painfully, and others in her condition will probably have the same things done to them; especially those who have no wills written out.

by The Midwestrn Soldier March 25, 2005

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Terry Cotter

A NPC from the game Fable 2, famously known from the Demon Door "Terry Cotter's Army". The player will enter the room, to find a small house, in the house there is a room with a skeleton on the bed, and knights standing all around his bed and in the room. Much like the Terracotta Army, which can relate to Terry/Terra Cotter/Cotta. These are Cotter's knights, behind the house, there is a gate and a small path that leads to a cave where most of his knights are, they stand there, some in clay or gravel / ground. Once again, resembling the Terracotta Army. If you look around the house as well, there is a book that says when Terry was a child, his mother always told him to not go beyond the gate, because it was not his time to go there.

Terry Cotter

by SeanTheGreat June 28, 2009

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terry mugler

an individual who happens to be a combination of terrible, ridiculous, moronic,and ugly.

Individual 1: "Hey did you just see that guy try and hit on that girl, but instead tripped and spilled his drink on her?"

Individual 2: Yeah, haha. What a terry, terry mugler.

by thestreets January 7, 2007

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Terry Kellum

COMPLETE douchebag and sucks penis ...nuf said

Terry Kellum is such a pedobear. :/ naughty naughty kool-aid

by poop6748723657834 August 16, 2010

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