The act of using a cars boost in a way that you would use the "Scram-Jet's" boost.
I am (Scram-Jetting).
the person that will bomb you in your sleep
jet morgan is coming
The physical principle that underlies Poseidon's Kiss.
Person 1: Worthington jets are why your butt gets licked with water when you poo
Person 2: I didn't ask but thanks.
defining the hottest woman alive, Jet Bradway also often refers to someone who produces Mac and Cheese in her pussy.
Man she’s so Jet Bradway
Being temporarily unaware of oneself and familiar others following a return airline flight that crosses multiple time zones.
I live on the East coast, and when I woke up after my first night back from the West coast, I saw may husband and thought, "who is that," then I knew I must have been the victim of Jet-Fugue
Person A: Do you know Hihi Jets?
Person B: Of course! They are legendary.
Garry: We are gonna be legend.
(V) The act of farting while walking; preferably used when a slow-moving, very lovable, senior citizen is on the move. (Jet propelling)
(N) The gas that is passed when a senior citizen is moving very slowly.
(Noun) Big Yiayia is jet propelling across the formal dining room. You know the one with the plastic on the couches?
(Verb) What was that sound? That was Big Yiayia's jet propulsion.