Source Code

Bumping Nelsons

When one gentleman greets another by gently and accurately touching the heads of their penises together. An uncircumcised man must pull back his foreskin to accomplish the greeting correctly.

Bryant gave Dave a hearty hand shake and Bumped Nelsons when they re-antiquated after many years.

Not to be confused with crossing swards or playing swards

Bryant gave Dave a hearty hand shake and they were Bumping Nelsons after they were reacquainted after many years.

by The Real Berman July 9, 2011

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anthony nelson

a short black person who is socially awkward and doesnt have friends, no one likes him.

why is that kid sitting at the lunch table by himself, he is such an anthony nelson

by sndsdakdnjfabhd October 22, 2012

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Dillin Nelson

Dillin Nelson is the most sweetest, most thoughtful, most amazing guy in the universe. Often referred to as the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He's good-looking, sweet, hilarious, and lovable.

Sometimes thought of as big, tough, mean, or a bully...though misunderstood.

Dillin Nelson is majorly hot.
Did you see Dillin Nelson?

by Ken297 January 25, 2011

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Amber Nelson

Amber Nelsons are people who will say they like or love you just so you will tell them something. Afterwards, they take it back. These people often break your heart and stomp on it. It is not wise to trust an Amber Nelson.

Jo: I got a secret.
Amber Nelson: Tell me!
Jo: I cant.
Amber Nelson: Come on, I'm your best friend!
Amber Nelson: Your lame, I dont like you. *walks away while you cry*

by KaytiBoBatie March 1, 2010

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Frankie Nelson

A guy who thinks too high of himself

Frankie is a brat

by Anonymous June 28, 2003

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Admiral Nelson

An off- brand liquor that is comparable to Captain Morgan. If more than 3-4 shots are taken of this, unusual behavior, easy sex, or violent behavior is the result..!

"Hey man, What wrong with your girl.? She just told me to go fuck myself..?" ........ " Oh, don't worry, thats just the Admiral talkin (Admiral Nelson)... In another shot or two if I don't pay attention, she'll be in the bathroom doing what she told you to do..!

by JohnD1979 July 23, 2013

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Nelson Cerino

"La mamma" della mafia napolitana

Mamma Nelson Cerino is cooking some cakes for her son.
Mamma Nelson Cerino hides a gun in her skirt.

Mamma Nelson Cerino:"My son is the new godfather, then fuck you all bitches"

by pimiko February 22, 2010

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