Source Code

Raw Biscuit

When a man inserts his penis straight into an unsuspecting victim's ass, no lube required. This may cause pain and discomfort to the end receiver, however this is very common.

Person 1: Where is Tom??
Person 2: Preforming Raw Biscuit on his younger sister...

by HMND1 October 30, 2020

Shits Raw

The title of the new Saints Row Reboot

A: hey, have you seen the trailer for the new Saints Row? That reboot really sucks.
B: yea, it should be called Shits Raw

by ナカVÆLON September 7, 2021

raw peunis

sexiest tyler model alive

yo! is that raw peunis? Oh My Goodness! so sexy

by AUEJAY October 15, 2020

Raw Trunks

When a non-athlete tries to participate in a professional race or marathon and forgets their spandex causing their thighs to rub raw together.

Me: How was the marathon?

Them: I forgot my spandex and ended up wearing Raw Trunks across the finish line.

by Tinkle Filling January 5, 2023

fattly raw

When someone is so good at something beyond the word “raw” they are then considered fattly raw.

No way he just did that”.
He’s fattly raw”!!!

by JV Rard October 30, 2021

Raw Sushi

Sushi that was prepared using poorly prepared/old fish. Leading to food poisoning and other unfun things.

"Dude I'm pretty sure I ate Raw Sushi last night."

"I can tell by the state of the bathroom."

by Flavoured_Air February 1, 2018

raw as dirt

When something is so incredibly raw, you can compare it to nothing but dirt.

My boy Mike raw as dirt in the post

by SerialMike February 3, 2017