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When you are so mo'fuckin high or drunk, all you say is "shut up bitch ass nigga, im zooted right now"

Damn Pietro, you look mo'fuckin zooted right now
Nigga, how many bongs did you it last nigh with the hoes, you look zooted

by Fortnite bonger May 2, 2024


The state of being extremely high

Im so zooted right now

by Pertypickle123 March 18, 2019


to be high on painkillers or other narcotics

Dog after popping that second vike I was straight zooted

by STAP IT RAHN February 12, 2020


The after effects of getting really stoned after staying up all night partying

Dude, I'm so zooted my brains telling me to do stuff but my bodies not reacting.

by Btolly September 14, 2018


zooted basically means being high

ex: Yo I’m so zooted right now I can barely think

by sk25 March 15, 2020


When you are extremely high.

I'm fucking zooted bro, I can't smoke anymore Candace.

by skeetrag June 25, 2017


Being fried beyond human knowledge

I come to school everyday zooted

by Nyrking13 September 22, 2018