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A married man who is trolling the dating apps and dating women way out of his League, lying to them and pretending to want to build a long term relationship. He buries in deep and tries to elicit feels from the unknowing victim.

Jordan is such a Tick. He is married and sexted me.

by HIRH October 7, 2022


having a tick

having a tick

by Da'ree March 8, 2024


A minor issue

Trust me this Crisis I’m dealing with is more than just a tick ok???

by YuOfTheNight May 9, 2020


A disgusting insect that lives off other organisms by feeding off their blood. Often carry bacteria and harmful diseases like Lyme Disease.

Ticks are really disgusting animals; and I hope to never get bitten by one.

by Gothic Miscreant December 7, 2023


A disgusting insect that lives off other organisms by feeding off their blood. Often carry bacteria and harmful diseases like Lyme Disease.

Ticks are really disgusting animals; and I hope to never get bitten by one.

by Gothic Miscreant December 7, 2023


Ticks are what the Overwatch community usually uses to describe the marks that show up when a team captures part of a point (past 33% on Hybrid or Assault/2CP, the progress saves and is shown by a "tick" – a small arrow – in the UI).

eg:New York Excelsior get 0 ticks in this match.
In this context, NYXL getting 0 ticks means they never got to 33% on Hybrid or Assault's Point A.

by Annabel.Zzz May 3, 2021


The unwritten list of positive (rather than negative) attributes assigned to a first date.

as opposed to a cross, assigned to negative attributes

Abigail was an all tick girl

by Chillyobeansbro March 28, 2018