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Anyone who is considered bad with women.

From the book I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
Girl - So you're single?
Guy - I prefer 'vaginally-challenged'

by whodunnit? November 18, 2010

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vaginal hubris

Over-confidence or arrogance about one's sexual abilities. See the song "WAP" by Cardi B.

Examples of vaginal hubris:
"Paid my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy"

"Pussy A1 just like his credit"

by bextra November 27, 2020

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Having sex with the person you're in a relationship with, and then having sex with your side piece. Later bringing it full circle back to your original partner with the possibility of transmitting an STD.

I banged my wife yesterday. Today, I banged my side piece, and then had to bang my wife again, thereby causing cross-vagination.

by Natron444 March 7, 2014

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severe vaginitis

A male who lacks one or more testicles and acts as such.

Wow, did you hear about that Stephen Briggs kid?

No what about him?

Oh, he is missing both his balls and he has a giant vagina on his chest?

Oh, yeah i did hear about him... he has a case of severe vaginitis.

by who dat kid? September 3, 2010

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Granular Vaginitis

An Infantry term for sand in the pussy. Commonly used to describe a soldier who whines about being sick.

ORIGIN: I first heard this from a Command Sergeant Major at Camp Greaves Korea.

Captain addressing his troops: "Private Jones has an acute case of Granular Vaginitis and wont be deploying to the field."

by Currahee00 May 27, 2009

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Vaginal Moanings

artistic expression used to describe the latest flood of cookie cutter songs from every current-era female pop musician. Recognizable by the usual accompaniment of pianos or violins, these are the songs that are inducing the collective menstrual cycles of the radio free world. Although usually reserved for female musicians, the term can, in some instances, be applied to the critique of male musicians if the estrogen level is deemed beyond the โ€œSeminal Trappingsโ€ term assigned to the same music.

Female: Recently, while watching VH1, I found myself really enjoying the Vaginal Moanings of Sara Bareilles and Taylor Swift.
Male: Recently, while watching VH1, I found myself really enjoying the Vaginal Moanings of James Blunt.

by John Wesley February 7, 2008

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vaginal orifice

Formal name for the hole that men insert their erect penises into in order to reproduce and/or most often for pleasure. In other words, it's the hole that men like to fuck and make babies in.

I want to have sex in your vaginal orifice, babe. What can I say?

by JobesJeebs May 27, 2008

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