Source Code

Whiskey Tango

A simple code for *White Trash*

Max: "Dude have you seen the yard four houses down on the left"
John: "Yeah it's got garbage all over the grass and do they even clean their dog's shit up?"
Max: "Can you say Whiskey Tango"
John "I hear that"

by sheepyz July 17, 2012

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Whiskey Bagel

When a girl pretends to be dried up from too much whiskey consumption, but really just doesn't want to have sex with the disgusting beast laying next to her.

The guy looked like a homeless serial killer, I had to use the whiskey bagel.

by Statie November 11, 2010

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whiskey down

Diner lingo for Rye Toast

Suck my ****. Then feed me whiskey down.

by SmokeyJ July 12, 2005

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whiskey dick

when you're all revved up and they can't get/keep it up; the most disappointing occurrence known to women-kind

Girl 1: So how was your night last night?
Girl 2: horrible, I was ready to fuck but he got whiskey dick.
Girl 1: Yeah I heard that's a problem people have been having with with adam

Adam: ***crying***

by yeplee April 17, 2015

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whiskey drinker

Whiskey Drinker is usually a cheap assed, nasty smelling mother fucker. This term has become famous due a song called Whiskey Drinker written by jono_not_bono from the Dirty Keys. The song is dirty, vulgar and definitely to be listened to

You're a Whiskey Drinker mate. You Cheap Assed, Whiskey Drinking, Kiddie Fiddling, Mother Fucker.


by Billy Lords May 22, 2008

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whiskey dick

When a guy is horny as hell, and has had a lot of booze to drink. His dick might be small, and it might take forever to get to orgasm, but he still cums all over the place.

Oh man, I got wasted and fucked that chick, but I had whiskey dick. She was squealing for me to cum, and man, it took me forever, but when I did, she was pleased...and drenched!

by Arieh August 8, 2006

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whiskey fuck

The greatest mix of alcohol and cussing known to man. Whiskey fuck serves as the perfect phrase in most any scenario but works especially well for describing unimaginable awesomeness. It cannot be used too much or it loses its endearing, irreverent qualities but when the perfect moment pops up, when the spirit is flowing, there's no substitute for a well-enunciated "Whiskey Fuck!"

*The most incredible Neil Young song in the world comes on your Pandora as you reach the top of your hike to Washington State's Rattlesnake Ridge* So you say, overcome with wild and glorious emotions, "Damn, this moment is whiskey fuck"

"Whiskey fuck, life is wild!"

by the_spirit_life February 17, 2014

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