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trip flops

The kind of flip flops or flip-flops that can be bought at most department stores for a dollar or less that have zero traction and slip resistance. Often worn to the showers in college or when you can't find anything else.

Guy 1: Dude, are you still drunk? I can't believe your nearly fell in the hall!

Guy 2: No man, its these damn trip flops.

by xthelongestdayx August 17, 2010

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flopping about

Vigorously helicoptering your penis around, while recording it all and then sending the video to all your friends.

Adam was home alone, so he began flopping about.

by Gypsy Sister January 26, 2014

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Twat Flop

- Regarding female arousal; a person who causes sex drive and arousal to diminish in an instant.
- A boner killer for women.

"So I was totally about to hook up with Mike last night, until he took his pants off. Total twat flop."

by vulgaroblivion March 6, 2015

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hairstyle in which all of the hair on the head is gathered in a ponytail, folded in half to make a pseudo-bun, and tied with a hair band.

Your hair is going to get stuck in the roller coaster, put it in a turd-flop.

by dennierich July 22, 2011

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The sound and feeling male genitalia makes when running naked. Can be quite painful depending on how cold it is.

After streaking across the field Joe remarked "Man, I've got some nasty flippety-flop."

"The only downside to streaking is flippety-flop."

by Alexander'd December 28, 2005

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Flip Flops

A sandal.

Tammy wore he flip flops to the beach.

by The Slater November 29, 2003

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douche flops

The style of casual brown flip flops commonly worn by douchebags, fratboys, Jack Johnson, etc.

I found that my plaid shorts and pink polo shirt went quite well with a pair of douche flops.

by The_Original_Fogle May 12, 2008

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