Giant peice of poo.never been more disgusted in my life to look a someone.he is so fat it takes him a year to spin 360 degrees his flab’s are bigger than him. As we’re talking he is eating honey but Cheerios and drinking Red Bull he is so incredibly fat
Invite from reed in a seed
Reed in a seed is the fattest person ive ever seen he has so many flab’s that he lives in America but his belly button reaches Asia
His flab’s Are taller than the burj kalifa and he weighs more than the statue of liberty
Invite from reed in a seed
A name for a typically short individual with a tiny ass cock
Dude have you seen that Reed Perry’s tiny cock?
This is slang for a miserable ugly girl who breath stinks and has the teeth of a vampire.
“That girl is such a Jermyra Reed, Ew!”
Would flirt with a piece of paper if it moved.
Girl: Dammnnn.. look at him..
Girl 2: Yeah but he is such a Jordan Victor Reed.
A true douchebag and by far the worst goalie in hockey history. Notorious for his awful body odor and his fat and ridiculous sister.
Johnny sucks tonight ! He let in 9 goals. He's playing like a Reed Gilmore!
The ultimate vape burglar. This man cannot be trusted even if it’s with a penny. This man is like a magnet to electronic cigarette devices, specifically cherry ice. If you have any belongings I would not advice you alert reed about them because he will take that information and do everything in his power to get them in his sticky fingers. He is a class A liar, with 3 scholarships to the FBI. if you ever are unfortunate enough to come across reed smith, say a prayer and run for the hills because he will take your vape and lie about it until the end of his days.
“Hey reed do you still have my cherry ice vape? I gave it to you 10 minutes ago.” Says Aly, “no, this one is mine I haven’t seen yours” Reed Smith replies. See you in hell lying pig.