toni is the most beautiful girl in the world, i love the way she smiles and the way she laughs. her eyes are so pretty, even though she doesn’t think she’s attractive she is the most attractive person in the world. i love her so much. she’s my best friend, and i wouldn’t trade her for the world. she makes me laugh, and she helps me so much i’d do anything to meet her. she makes me feel happy. and i will always be her best friend. FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND <33 -jay
“hi!! person 1”
“have you seen Toni-Anne?”
“YES! she’s right there!”
Julia Anne is a little adorable baby who is 5 months old as of (September 2020) Her face lights up when she sees Park Seo Joon because she is madly in love, she also likes eating your face and her hands for some reason. she has no teeth yet but she tries to chew your finger
JuLiA aNnE AnD pArK sEo-JoOn ArE cOuPle GoAlS
She's so sexy and smart!
The perfect woman with a brain that ticks at 100, a dirty mind and beauty to match!
OMG! That Jeni-Anne... she's so sexy and smart.
A girl's name. She loves sarcasm and she will pissed you off 'cause she thinks she knows everything (which is, sadly, usually true)
Sophie-Anne is my friend
Anne-ewenn is a wonderful person. She is really a sunshine, and will care about anyone who is nice to her. She has beautiful clothing taste and a cat, whom she is probably trying to name mamacita. she is the one person you want to find yourself facetiming at 1 am to randomly talk about your life. Last but not least, she is a very intelligent girl :)
you: one of my friends wont talk to me im sad
anne-ewenn: just you wait i will be your best friend from now on
Kaylee-Anne is a cool awesome girl with long hair and and a bright smile. She will laugh at lots of jokes quietly, but she can complain! Kaylee-Anne is a pessimist, but she will be able to make you happy with her amazing stories! Kaylee-Anne is fluent in sarcasm and she isn't short but she isn't tall.
"have you talked to Kaylee-Anne yet?" "Who's Kaylee-Anne?".
"That one girl with with long hair"
Callie anne is a good person. She is shy and scared of how people think of her, but if you insult her she could care less. And if you insult one of her friends you better run, run as fast as you can far, far away. She always does her school/homework unlike some of her peers. She loves to play sports and hang out with friends. She hates when people talk bad about each other, and wants nothing to do with it. She thinks everything is unique and beautiful. Because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you wear to school or how you put your hair up. No one has any reason not to like her.
I like Callie anne she is my friend.