People don't rob somebody with automatic weapons for 100 dollars and under. There are bank robbers that go out of their way to keep people alive for millions of dollars. If someone is risking their life, freedom, and someone else's life for 100 dollars, the cash the clerk had on hand was never the prize. The payoff was either going to come later if the assassins didn't get caught, or they were taking a fall for somebody else by getting caught.
The assassination was made to look like a robbery, as many are. Robberies and accidents tend to be two things an assassin falls in love with as a go to explanation for why an unsuspecting target ended up dead.
Someone: Hey dude, did you hear, something is doing assassination, its not a person
Someone else: dam, that must be the ass going round town.
Oh shit, wow! Holy shit did someone just try to kill Trump!?
Hym "Shit! First a kidnapping and then an assassination attempt!? God damn! I can't fuckin believe they actually tried it! That is wild. Trump shot. A bystander dead. The assassin is ALSO dead."
1👍 1👎
1. A normal jump off a ledge
2. A normal jump
3. A fail at doing a ninja jump
He assassin jumped off that ledge at school
I assassin jumped over that box
He assassin jumped over it
Someone who leaves a 1-star online review, just to troll a company.
We fired Josh last month, and now he's leeaving negative reviews for each of our products. What a one-star assassin
A dude that has a babyface that gets the job done : even better than a regular assassin.
Yeah that dude AJ ; yeah the one who's also called HBKBTW , he's really a babyfaced assassin.
Oh? The truckazord looking cripple wants me dead? I wonder why... You see what's wrong with them (existentially) right? He's just like that other cripple Noah. The money and the women aren't enough for him to you have to force me to pretend I'm inferior or that they aren't crippled or it isn't any fun for him to have all the money and the women.
Hym "Good! Now is the perfect time to assassinate me, actually! I just figured out how to solve the dead-man switch problem! So, if we assume there is no afterlife, there is no way for me to find out whether or not the dead-man switch works on the bomb that I am, right? WRONG! Here's what we do: Announce my death publicly BEFORE you kill me... THEN... I'll get to see whether or not it works! Get it? Problem solved!"