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Bed moose

Canadian version of bed bugs.

Generally not a good idea to use around people who are not aware of its meaning, as we all know nothing is as funny if you have to explain it.

Mother: Good night, Stephen, don't let the bed moose bite.

by M_J_Forster March 21, 2007

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bed death

When two people are together for a long time the gradually stop having sex

Riley and Tory experienced complete bed death a long time ago. It's a wonder they're still together.

by summer meme sadness April 24, 2016

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Bed Ninja

Similar to a sexual ninja. Someone that is sneaky in the sack, getting in and out before either party have time to notice. Not normally a good thing...

"Hey, I heard you left the party with that Tom guy last night, giggity giggity?"
"yeah, but I don't think I'll be seeing him again, I barely noticed anything had happened."
"oh, a bed ninja huh? Those are the worst!"

by xPhia May 8, 2010

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bed spread

1: A woman who once brought into the bed room , automaticaly takes her clothes off and lies on the bed, back down, face up, legs spread wide open.

2: A woman easily coerced into sexual pleasure, free of charge.

Ex: Yeah, Man she's hot, but watch out that bed spread has been all over town.

Ex.2: Hell yeah, I'm going to the club to pick up a fine-ass,bed spread.

by the anonymous conundrum November 28, 2007

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zed bed

I foldable bed in which is not advisable to have sex in, as they can collapse easily.

Don't jump on a zed bed either, they really do just fold in half on you.

by Stefigutentag May 17, 2006

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Bed boy/ bed girl

Somebody is attracted to you, you spend quality time together and after great three months he/she is brave enough to let you decide to stay or to go...

and/but the person not brave enough to ask you to stay! when you decided to go....

Love yourself more bed boy/ bed girl

by L27 July 16, 2018

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Shit the bed

When something goes horribly wrong, or mechanically or electronically dies.

"I hate my Samsung. I only had it a week before it shit the bed. I'm getting an iPhone."
When seeing the blue screen of death on your laptop: "Fuck! My computer just shit the bed!"
The lawnmower sputters to a stop in the middle of the yard. "There she goes--damn lawnmower just shit the bed.
After a disastrous first date: "Billy cooked for that hot girl on their first date. Talk about shitting the bed.

by Ms. Awful May 20, 2015

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