Is when you're in a female goes to jail a Women and going to do some time and don't have family to take care of them
They take on the role of a man making them self a Butch shave their heads slick back there hair in a ponytails sag their pants and I take on the characteristics of a male role while there in jail.
They try and now gain the attention from other women in order to survive.
So they don't have the means to take care of there self so they get other women to be thier sugar mama's , girlfriends or even a girl to be the highest role keeper known as their wifey or wife's
To take care of them why there in there she provides everything for her
she doesn't do anything except sexually pleases her sexually .
But everybody's now trying to get her they treat her like she's a king .
Thier usually very messy in there relationships .
Start Drama here known to be flirts ,they fight if they feel disrespected or take another female as a treat to thier relationship so in order to keep her girl buying her commissary
Acts like the man in jail in order to gain food they cook and clean for her why she a social butterfly and gets items off Commissary list from women
that's what they're called, in women's jail a "Commissary berries"
Look at Becky acting like a Commissary berry
When you're taking a shit in the desert and the turd rolls down the dune and gets all sandy it begins to resemble a berry which is where it gets its name "dune berry". A dune berry may also resemble a cat turd in a liter box.
Watch your step man, I went to the bathroom up there earlier and a dune berry rolled down
"Yeah man me and my girl went Berry Picking if you know what I mean"
Noun-a term to respectfully admire Rhea Ripley's booty. Created by Rhea Ripley on an IG post of her's of a strawberry that resembles a booty 🍓
"Did you see Rhea's new post on IG? The mami berry was looking respectable! 💯 "
British/Scottish term, a noun, for a female who doesn't have any other drug or alcohol problems
I personally don't see anything with a woman being a clean berry. A clean berry is still a woman, and can intelligently spend the extra money to put food on her family's table, no?
A roblox game made by the popular roblox youtuber amberry.
Known for being the main rp place of preppies, usually not a good place to rp if you aren't a preppy or emo as they can be toxic and mean.
Overall it is a good game and it's basically just your generic roleplay game.
Girl 1:Wanna play berry avenue?
Girl 2:I'm not preppy though.
Girl 1:Maybe not the best place then..
The hottest of all mums, known to have gaping hole, not to be mistaken with Anna Irwin’s canyon.
I had sex with Karen berry last night, felt like a subway 6inch ham sub on hearty Italian with chipotle sauce and crispy onions