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Bologna Sandwich

A bologna sandwich is a boring, bland, distasteful person or thing who lacks any personality, skills, or general “fun-ness.”

Dude I started talking to this girl, but she’s kind of a bologna sandwich.

“Hey do you know Steve?” “Yeah, that guy is a bologna sandwich.”

by Michelle_Obama June 24, 2018

Mrs. Packerton's Bologna

Mrs Packerton from Sally Face is a savage.


by a crocodile elf December 18, 2020

bologna chute

A lose vajaja. It refers to a significantly enlarged vagina, often attributed to a woman having had numerous sexual partners, which may have stretched the vaginal walls considerably.

I banged this chick last week and she had an absolute bologna chute it was fucked buddd!

by Bolognacanda.ca July 6, 2024

bologna chute

A lose vajaja

I fucked this chick last week and she had an absolute bologna chute it was fucked buddd!

by Bolognacanda.ca July 6, 2024


The most delicious high class, healthiest, protein filled, melt in your mouth delicacy, originally found in Italy.

Homieeeee...have you tried bologna lately? It's really helping me get those gains.

This is fucking bologna!

by Daddynat January 8, 2021


a word that's spelling makes zero sense it's spelling is a bunch of bologna

bologna's spelling is a bunch of bologna

by John_doe42069 March 4, 2023


It’s not fucking real and you shouldn’t believe it don’t just believe what the government is telling about things like “bologna” or “Wyoming” or “birds” they’re all fake and if you think you’ve seen any of these things the government probably put a chip in your brain

*appocalypse ish setting*
Person 1: I had some bologna today
Person 2: ya I bet you did haha *shoots person 1 directly in the head*

by Saggyvirgin October 15, 2020