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booger bomb

A booger that flies out of your nose and hits the person your talking to in the face. booger, nose boogey, snot , nasal mucus, nose, food bullet

I was so embarrassed, I met this beautiful woman and just as I thought I might try to kiss her, a booger bomb shot from my nose onto her forehead. I hope she didn't feel it.

by joecoolthefool May 5, 2016

Car Boogers

The frozen slush crud that accumulates in wheel wells of cars during winter. Looks disgusting as snot and some people will try to kick it loose only to hurt their big toe.

Hey Jim , You got some nasty car boogers there. Maybe the car wash will get them off.

by G.Horus Alltree February 6, 2019

booger bullet

When a dried piece of snot you've been saving gets blown out of your nose and into a tissue accompanied by the sound of a terrific gunshot.

Man I couldn't unblock my nose for ages, but the last time I blew my nose I shot out a massive booger bullet.

by twoup October 11, 2009

moofty boogers

A slang term for the byproduct of the self cleaning vaginal oven, a moofty is a vagina, and a booger is a booger, people don't really talk about the moofty boogers but everyone has seen one.

Guy. "Dude have you seen Virginias oven lately?"

Other guy. "Yeah dude, moofty boogers to the max"

Alan. " omg did you see Sandi's undies on the bathroom floor?"

Steve. " yeah bro, moofty's for days!!!" moofty booty

by Moof moof April 24, 2016

Booger Gang

A Gang Of Bunch of people who like to take dabs

?friend 1 : yo you wanna take a dab
friend 2 : you can only do that if you are in the booger gang

by Salim Shaidiy April 22, 2021

Booger Paper

Anything made of paper that you can blow your nose on such as tissue, toilet paper, paper towels etc.

My nose is dripping, hand me some booger paper, quick!

by dob bobolina November 11, 2010

Booger Dome

A hemispherical bowl in which individuals (mostly female) hide their biological gold and dirt pickings. It can be commonly found underneath their beds or in their closets.

Chad: "Hey Tim, I heard you broke up with Paula. What happened?"
Tim: "Yeah man, I was over at her apartment when I found a booger dome under her bed. It was a total turn-off."

by SuzerainY November 4, 2021