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Bucket Licker

Alternative insult to call a lesbian

Kim just bought a Subaru. Classic bucket licker.

by EveryShadeOfGrey July 9, 2023

Acting Bucket

When you’re trying to discuss something and the person loosing the argument insults you personally, with weak points, opinions or lies.

I told Jason I thought Hannah was ugly and he started acting bucket about it

by resident215 February 7, 2020

emotional bucket

A person who is used as a cathartic tool, where another person spills out all their emotions and problems for the Bucket to hear. The problems are usually about trivial matters. Usually.

She is an emotional bucket because she has to always to listen to her friends bitch about dumbshit.

by soophastar November 28, 2008

Cum Bucket

1. A hoe that after she dumps you goes and fucks everyone of your friends then your dad because all she likes is fresh cum in her ass just like when your little sister finds out she likes dick.
2. Could also be a bucket that all your friends cum in for 2 months then dump it on the cum bucket that fucked all your friends.

Friend 1: "hey u know that girl i was dating last week? ya well turns out she's a cum bucket cause she broke up with me then fucked all six of my friends."
Friend 2: "That sucks man. She's great at sex though dude i did her good."
Friend 1: "well as long as u went 100% i guess it's okay..."

by Professor Cockermcblockerson May 22, 2018


To have exceptionally poor fortune; to experience a series of misfortunate events; to be the recipient or victim of poor fortune.

I tried to get my car running, but first the motor mounts gave out, then the transmission blew, the exhaust system next fell off, and finally, the head-gasket gave way! I was sure experiencing some Bucket-Luck when it came to that vehicle!!!

by Biffy McSnuffBox August 9, 2017

Bucket 2

a Discord server which has rules and almost none have to be enforced
known for its owner being the youngest of the mod team and having intra-mod arguments

half of its emotes are useless and it has many archives of channels due to a maxing out of pins
"Bucket Projects" are announced and never finished

Guy 1: "Have you heard of Bucket 2?"
Guy 2: "No."
Guy 3: "Don't join it."

by JohnMew May 30, 2021

cream bucket

That is what women call men who are a dumpters for women that cum on them. They are collection of girls that they slept with. Exp: I would never do that guy, he is the biggest cream bucket around.
Oh that guy is such a cream bucket, and he doesnt take a shower too!

That old geezer is a cream bucket!

by andresillo November 11, 2010