Source Code

burrito anime

Anime that we designed specifically for the Mexican / Spanish people.

Guy 1: Hey, can't wait for next weeks episode of Naruto to come out.

Guy 2: I'm sorry, I don't watch burrito anime.

by Sebastian Iskra April 21, 2016

Brown burrito

A Mexican mans asshole

Dude have you eaten any pink taco lately?

No man, these days I'm into brown burritos.

by GingerBeardDude January 6, 2017

Red Burrito

When you have sex with a girl on her period and she sucks you off afterward.

Buy me a seafood dinner and I'll give you the red burrito.

by CaptainMeatBeater September 30, 2016

Greasy Burrito

A sex act in which a bunch of dudes cum another guys dick, and then the dude who was came on fucks a girl

I did greasy burrito last night!
What's that?
You don't want to know.

by the_cool_kid_on_the_block April 19, 2018

greasy burrito


An intimate move involving:

Anal sex while your partner has profuse diarrhea, and then moving your penis from your partner's anus to their mouth. Closely related to ass to mouth

Alternate forms:

Greasy Taquito (noun)

Alternate form of 'greasy burrito.' A greasy burrito performed by a 'less fortunate' person.

"That bitch of a hooker I hired diarrhea'd all over my dick, so I gave her the ol' greasy burrito"

"Catcher: I feel weird"
"Pitcher: I hope you're ready for a greasy burrito"
"Catcher: A what?"
"Pitcher: Open up!"

by toasty3000 March 23, 2017


When you masturbate while holding a chaulpa.

Brb guys, I gotta go to the Taco Bell bathroom for a burrito-beato

by Captpan6 June 2, 2022

booty burrito

The awkward situation when you reject a person's booty call, but they still feel it's appropriate to ask you to bring them food anyway (i.e. a burrito).

Friend 1: "You'll never believe this! Last night Bob asked me to come over for a little bit of squishin' the gibbly bits , and when I said "no", he asked if I could bring him a burrito and beer anyway!"

Friend 2: "Ha!! You totally got a booty burrito!!"

by Trocargal74 April 27, 2016