a youtuber that make music Yes
-Have you heard of Silly Charm?
-Well he is a very small youtuber that makes really good music.
he slides into your dm's like a lubed up dick, the sexy African man just needs your credit card info to get out of the country because of the war going on
have you seen that nigerian prince charming dude
An expression used by a charming/cute human being, of course i'm not talking about YOU (the reader of this post)
Person 1: "So... Have you asked that girl out yet?"
Not the reader: "Yeah, and she said yes!"
Not the reader: "What can I say? I've got charm comin' out of my ass"
Lucky Charms
You cut off me lucky charms you dirty cad!
Ladybug's special power of creation, is created to be the exact puzzle piece she needs at that moment.
LB: "Lucky charm!" *twirls a bunch and is flexible af*
CN: "What r u gonna do with that?"/ insert pun here about lucky charm
A cereal or something that makes you incredibly hyper. Often times if it makes you hyper friends will ask 'Did she smoke weed or something why's she so happy?' And you'll be like, 'Bruh its the Lucky Charms.'
"Oh no, she's on the Lucky Charms again."
The lucky charms are the prettiest girls in the casino who blow on the dice to give the players luck for their game. Lucky charms always choose carefully the best person who they think deserve to win. A person is quite lucky if they get chosen by a lucky charm!
He got chosen by a lucky charm and he literally won the whole game even though he was on the verge of loosing only moments before!!!
Lucky charms, the girls blowing on the dice in the casino to give luck to their players