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Abby Collins

If you’ve ever met Abby Collins before, you know somewhere, somehow you’ve fucked up and you might as well die now.
Abby Collins will chew up your food and spit it in your mouth just so that you won’t starve😤.
She pretends she is happy, but if you stare into her eyes you will see her pain and jealousy of her brother, who arouses her dog.
She looks like your average teenage girl, but once you get to know her, you see the darkness and the pain. She feels like no one with except her for who she really is, a goth.

Guy 1: Dude look at that girl she’s dank!
Guy 2: Dude, that’s Abby Collins.
Guy 1: oh fuck, i didn’t realise

by heckyeahdontouchmyass April 5, 2018

jeffery collins

he is the dumbest person in the world, he likes men, and is chunkey

woah you're a jeffery collins

by olimpus February 2, 2022

Sam Collins

The dude with the peach fuzz pimpstache.

Sam Collins has 800k followers?

by Inkweaver5225 January 26, 2022

collin tiemann

A significant Asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself or what you think about him and if you judge him he will say and I quote " you can kiss my happy white ass"

My butthole kind of reminds me of Collin tiemann

by Time on March 18, 2016

Thad Collins

Griffin Collins is a senior at Lake Oswego High. ALL of his friends are freshman and he hits on every freshman girl in the school. Griffin seems to get angry at the smallest things. Griffin is very protective of his crushes and will do many things to ensure that nobody else will talk to his crushes, most likely in fear of being exposed as a freshman predator or that someone would “steal” them away from him. If you start talking to one of his many freshman crushes he will lie and spread rumors about you trying to get the freshman to stop talking to you in attempt to eliminate potential competition, he will even do this to his friends. Griffin has recently been calling himself Thad, and he also has freshman girls call him Thaddy (Thad+daddy) he thinks it’s a clever nickname, but really it makes him sound like a pedophile. He has betray many of his friends and will most likely continue to do so. He has claimed that he is getting into Ohio State University, but his GPA is a 1.8, also to be noted he recently said he is going to Penn State. He will most likely end up in jail for pedophilia if he stays on his current path. I strongly advise that you do not go near or associate yourself with him especially if you are a young girl.

Thad Collins must stop hitting on freshman

by XxUnknowxX March 19, 2018

1👍 1👎

a Nathan Collins

A Nathan Collins is the act of cumming as a girl breathes in your direction, from as close as a mile away.
It can also be used as the name for someone this happens to.

"Holy fuck dude, I messed up in maths, Jennifer glanced at me and I came all down my leg, I'm such a Nathan Collins."

"Man, I really pulled a Nathan Collins this morning, a girl was sat behind me in class, as she breathed on me, I projectile came right through my trousers, onto my desk."

by enoemosdeparja October 30, 2021

Pulled a Collin

A sudden lack of ability to effectively order food either over the phone or in the drive through line of a restaurant.

“He rolled the window down to order and just started giggling into the microphone. Yeah he really pulled a Collin...”

Man: “why did the delivery man give us 4 entire pizzas with every topping on them?”

Woman: ”James accidentally pulled a Collin”

by Cadaver Abuse August 11, 2018