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Birthday deal

A Birthday deal is where a woman agrees to have sex with a man, but only once a year.. On his birthday.

"But what about the birthday deal?" Say's Matt
"Damn it! You've got me!" Says Kelly ann

by Supermanxx123 March 18, 2008

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no big deal

something said after something amazing has been accomplished, usual said in a sarcastic to make ones self seem modest when in reality one is bragging. usually followed by "'cept it is"

i just got a 100 on my test! no big deal, 'cept it is

by cmacdaddy September 17, 2009

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Meal Deal

A term used to describe a drug dealer who will deliver by car within 45 minutes of calling usually between the hours of 6pm - 1.30am in northern england.

Bring- bring...... bring-bring......."Heeeello?"

"Hey Meal Deal, You deliverin' tonight, duck?"

"Yeah, gimme about 45 minutes."

by o'hara22 July 3, 2010

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2 Deal

a 2 Deal is getting something twice for one. or at half the cost of something.

I got a pair of oakleys half off. thats a 2 deal.

Can i get like a 2 Deal man.

by Chad H4x August 5, 2008

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package deal

A term used to describe a female whose attractiveness is based solely on the sum of her parts. A quantity over quality situation.

See: butterface, Fergie.

HORNY SOB: I'd hit that!
VIRGIN: What? She's missing a leg.
HORNY SOB: Yeah, but everything else on her is top notch! That's a package deal I wouldn't mind getting overnight!!!
VIRGIN: You're a horrible person.
HORNY SOB: Why? Because I'm willing to reach out to a gimp chick when most people wouldn't even give her a second look? I'm the good guy here! It's like giving to charity.
VIRGIN: Hmm...now that you put it that way I can see that you are actually the second coming of Mother Teresa.
HORNY SOB: Ooh, Mother Teresa! Package deal!!!

by Joe with the face March 22, 2007

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Dunn Deal

When wrapping up a major project , and it's all of that, with nothin left to do.

"Now that a Dunn Deal, nothing left to do"

by Eliteprofile June 18, 2021

dumb deal

the government suppressing the functioning of the cerebral cortex to influence people not to support historic things.

The dumb deal made the historic sites in America the least visited in tourism.

by Coop Dupe November 19, 2019