Doing tricep dips on a treadmill.
"I like doin dips on the runner. Den gainz."
a indiana guy in the big city of chicago, just tryin' to make it.
how yall doin' skeeter
Short for "what the hell are you doing", like when someone is totally crazy
hell you doin man?
A person who is completely engulfed in their phone, seeking sexual companionship, via online dating apps.
Hey, where’s Ken? He’s probably sitting in a corner on his phone somewhere, just doin love.
Doing over the top and beyond when you don’t need to and it makes you look stupid
Bro , you Doin’ Much , stop it , you look stupid
Aight bra , my bad
doin bwaaa dem kicks look fresh bwaa, they'd look better on me bwaaa
What the girl you’re dating does
“Are Lydia and Kaylee dating?”
Lydia: “bitch doin Coke at my grandma’s in my dreams”