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shot of doom

A vase from the famous pop's or ed's cafes next to the sellery dorms in madison. Stolen by many dorming students and measured out to be 5.5 shots, the shot of doom is a feat that only people with a nutsack can achieve. A shot of doom is only valid if done with 70 proof liquor or higher. Siberian ice or viatka is a key choice of alcohol in taking the shot of doom. Taking the shot of doom will result in immediate buzz or drunkeness which is also key in madtown.

student 1: yea i'm pregaming tonite before we go out at 10.
student 2: u doin the shot of doom?
Student 1: yea of course
student 2: what time are u attempting it at?
student 1: well probly around 9:55

by deef remington October 22, 2007

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doom town

1. Minature city built by the makers of the atomic bomb to test the A-bombs effects on buildings;

2. Christian religious wacko comic about Sodom and Gommorrah, essentially giving license to the crazies for hate crimes against homosexuals;

3. Any city that looks like hell has broken loose and stopped to stay a while.

I was in Baltimore yesterday, and I got this feeling: doom town.

Cleveland used to be more a doom town, but the rock museum made it suck slightly less.

by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003

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Doom 2016

An era of sadness and doom

Oohh! it's time for doom 2016

by r bginvefigrvefovgefocwdfebncw November 3, 2020

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tower of doom

When an orgy turns into a stack of "69" 'ing resulting in a tower of doom!

"Kennedy" - Dude that tower of doom last night was insane!

"Ainsley" - Did you stack my teletubbies into a tower of doom?

by TeletubbiesAssNuggetz October 26, 2017

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Vortex of Doom

When a woman's vag eats part of their pants, only you wish that it hadn't. May also be used to describe butt cleavage.

Matt was scouting out some vortexes, suddenly he saw five vortexes of doom out of the corner of his eye. He feared for his eyesight so he left as quickly as he could while still drawing no attention to himself. He remembered what he had been told about these kinds of vortexes. "Alone, a vortex of doom is very weak, but when many attack you at once, they can be very dangerous. The problem is that when you try to look away, you end up looking at another one. It would be similar to burning you hand on something hot, but when you pull away you impale you hand on a rusty nail."

by Dr. Quantum Infinity January 10, 2010

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Doom Seed

A Doom Seed is another term for when your iPod dies in between 18 months and 2 years.

Bob: "Oh man, my iPods Doom Seed sprouted!"

Bill: "Too bad man, my Zune is still working."

by HappyZuneOwner August 21, 2009

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Doom Buggy

The seats in Disney's Haunted Mansion the ride. They are two person seats with a lap bar that ghosts pull down for you, however you can fit three if you try.
They are all black and matte plastic, their shape looks like half of an egg.

I hate how the doom buggys are on a conveyor belt and constantly moving, it's hard to get in one!

by AJ Jaegle August 23, 2008

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