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Final Fantasy 7

A very popular video game that is unfortunately overrated by fanboys and fangirls alike. They obsess over the game like it's a gift from heaven or something when they don't realize that it is infact, just a game like Mario or Zelda and nothing to get excited about. They think Sephiroth is god and have delusions that he is in fact real and will come to fuck them in the ass.

Stupid fangirl: Oh Sephiroth I want your big cock in my mouth.
Intelligent individual: Sephiroth has no cock. People who wield long ass swords have no cock.

Stupid fanboy: OmG THy R lYk RemAKiNg FInAl FaNTasY 7!!!!!
Me: Nobody gives a shit.

by JustAnotherOne April 5, 2008

124๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy X

Quite possibly the most polarizing Final Fantasy game in the series, this is a game absolutely loved by some and absolutely detested by others. X introduced some interesting gameplay elements such as the sphere grid. Spira itself was a fascinating world to explore, the storyline was generally decent and X probably had the best soundtrack of the entire series.

On the other hand, X also suffered from some nauseating voice acting and dialogue, a generally easy main quest and some unbalanced battle mechanics. The linearity also killed all sense of exploration.

Overall, X was a game with its pros and cons. It wasn't the best in the series, but it sure as hell wasn't the worst.

Final Fantasy X Lover: OMFG X had the best story ever, the ending and storyline generally was so emotionally charged and unforgettable... And the gameplay was so much fun, and the sphere grid was so unique for its time! Easily the best game in the series.

Final Fantasy X Hater: OMFG X's story was plagued by cliched characters, a stupid love story and it got rid of the active time battle system! And sorry but I don't like going in a straight line from A to B. Easily the worst game in the series.

by Ivalice-Alliance November 8, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most overrated games of all time. While overrated, Final Fantasy 7 is an extremely solid RPG, however, the fan base has made the game out to be FAR MORE than it actually is.

Also see: Dragonforce

This game follows the Adventures of a couple of kids as they set out to take down a evil corporation as well as a very Emo main villain. This game got so many stupid fanboys to have organisms, that a movie was made by Square called Advent Children. This movie, as you can probably guess, is also extremely overrated, the difference is that the movie isn't even any good.

Set "I played some Final Fantasy 7 last night, and it was a very enjoyable game i must say."

FF junkie "WTF are you talkin' bout dude!?! IT'S DA BEST GAME EVAR!!"

Set "Jesus man! Don't blow your fucking load over it!!"

by Set Abominae March 18, 2007

129๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy XI

Now for something other than just classes. A look at the pros and cons of Final Fantasy XI.

1)A very large, yet managable world. With very managable methods of transportation which include the Boat, the Air ship, The Chocobo, and of coarse on foot.
2)The replay value is great, no need to make a new character ever. With the built in change job function that Final Fantasy XI has incorperated. If you realised that you did not like the job you chose. You are able to switch your job to a new one. And if you think you liked your old one better, switch right back and keep going from where you left off.
3)Trading system, that is one of the best pros of Final Fantasy XI.... with the auction house, you can sell, or buy anything you want. With there being 5k+ characters per server, never worry about your items not selling or not finding the item you want. There will always be someone needing something you have. And you vise versa.
4)There are so many Weapons, armor, and such to pick from you will always find a way to be unique.
5)If your tired of fighting and doing the same thing over and over agian, try crafting out for a change. Make your own armors or weapons, even jewlery for + to you stats. It is a very profitable endevor if you ask me.

1)The weather effects need some work, day and night are to obvious. Youll never see rain, and the water could use some work :/
2)I wish you could swim... it would help, you cant swim or jump.... you learn yo live with it.
3)Making money is hard if your not a theif.... so you have to work hard to get what you want.
4)There needs to be more skills for some classes.

Other than that.... the game is great.

I wish there werent any cons to Final Fantasy XI, :/, oh well check the game out and have fun.

by Ezekiel January 22, 2004

82๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 6

A RPG released on the SNES that is greatly loved by one group of gamers or greatly hated by another group.

The people who love the game tend to generally have many childhood memories and are a little over zealous when talking about the game. They tend to say that it is the "best". These people also tend to bash newer games such as the extremely popular Final Fantasy 7. Which is a good game in itself. Final Fantasy 6 is a very good game and should be remembered.

The people who hate the game are the people who have to listen to the above talk about the game. They hate it because they're trying to be different. Most say things like "over-rated". What many of these fail to see are the trends set by the game that are prevelant in many newer games. So though it is a very good game Final Fantasy 6 may not be the best game.

Person 1(Pro Final Fantasy 6): OMG FF6 is liek the koolest game ever! Its the BEST!
Person 2(Anti Final Fantasy 6): OMG you so stoopid, its so over-rated! Play FF7 Fag.

by Bryehn October 30, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 6

Even though this game was alot better than anything on the Sega Genesis its still not the best game ever. Its a good game but people who play it too many times are brain washed by it and refuse to ever play another game that has better graphics even if that game is vastly better. Very Strange.

Most people who played FF7 tought it was a great game but for some reason anyone who played FF6 first decided to hate it just because it had movies in it.

by Sega Slayer November 6, 2003

154๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 8

Generally considered one of the lesser of the final fantasy series's by most fans. Complaints usually come in terms of attacking the characters for all being about as interesting and motivated as cardboard, including the main character who mostly talks in the form of ellipsis, and a villain with unknown motives that just hovers like a scary ghost in the background but never really matters for the whole game. Really, the game might have been better off if all of the main characters were replaced with Tonberry's. Magic spells, which are normally a staple of final fantasy games, are only acquirable in FF8 by extracting them through either monsters, or from playing the card game. The story also suffers from a lack of creativity, and borrows many of the general plot lines from Final Fantasy 7.

~Final Fantasy 8 is generally considered a game with a couple of problems. It's the tortured adolescent of the series, starring a cast so drowned in angst that they probably should have taken some time off from saving the world to go in for a round of group therapy.

~(Cloud) Squall joins (Avalanche) Garden in order to go on a mission to stop (Shinra) The Government. Later, he becomes a body guard of (Aeris) Rinoa who falls in love with him. Soon, they discover a force much eviler than (Shinra) The Government, (Sephiroth) Edea! (Sephiroth kills Aeris) Ultimecia possesses Rinoa, so (Cloud) Squall goes after (him) her, he goes around the world trying to stop (him) her from bringing (the Meteor) time kompression. Then he finds the airship (Highwind) Ragnarok and goes to the (center of the world) end of time for the final battle. Afterward, he (mourns Aeris) saves Rinoa and everything is A-ok.

by RedDamascus February 15, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž