Its a tradition in iran wich last ten days each year from first to tenth moharram, (hijry canaldar), its a tradition in shia community in islamic areas. the relegious governemnt of iran for exalmple, helds this tradition every year. It beleive that this tradiotion is one of the main things ensure this political system to live longer, they encourage and force people to go in that festival in the streets and hit themselves and cry outload. Its one of its kind in the wole world. Some People sometimes race eachother in crying.
_Hey bro, why are you wearing black t shirt? You were a colour guy.
+yeah, its moharram, so its a crying festival in the streets, I gotta go in there, theres lotta chicks there came to chack out guys, its the only festiv they can go and stay till midnight.
When more than 3 people purposely trap their genitals in a vehicle door.
"both of us ended up with our bollocks and todgers trapped, it was a proper Rip Van Winkle Festival!"
A person whose life during Covid has come to revolve around food.
Posting photos of every meal and every snack, sharing recipes, looking forward to eating because what else was there to do, she had become a Walking Food Festival.
Anything taken during festivals to enhance the experience usually in the form of drugs i.e molly,ecstacy,coke etc
Does anyone need any festival enhancers for the upcoming rave?
When you wink with a clicking sound
I really liked her so I shot her a festive wink to call her over
go shower so we can partake in after shower festivities
Festival rules are called by a couple BEFORE arriving at any large public gathering (concert, music festival, sporting event, etc.) Both must agree that Festival rules apply. Once agreed, the first person to see someone they know must call them by name and get a mutual acknowledgement that you do, in fact, know each other. You MUST know the person's name, and they must know yours. If you are the first to win, you get to name your prize, usually your favorite sexual position or favor.
A couple agrees to Festival Rules on the way to state fair. At the fair he sees an old friend and calls her name. The friend acknowledges him. He wins sexual favor for the evening.