When lighting a cig, blunt, or doobey inside a fitted hat when it's windy.
Zach: Damn bro its so fucking windy out here.
Jared: Hold on dude I got an idea *flick..flick..flick*
In unison: Ahhh fitted-assist...
Clothing line for Emo's who seek self-empowerment and strengthening their mental and/or physical health.
Named is short for Emotional Fitness.
Them: You're looking good in your emo fit.
You: Thanks, feeling better too.
When your chick decides fentanyl is what she loves, dedicates her life to it, and now when she don't have it she isn't just throwing a fit, she's throwing a break everything in your house, sell everything, and suck any dick type of fit, a fetty fit.
Go cuddy with the guy down the road who can afford to pay for what you love and after you get over your fetty fit, come back here so I can lock you down in my trailer. I can't afford your fetty fits!
When you're late to class because you were partaking in intercourse with your partner.
Wheres jake? whys he late?
Ohhh yeah he was doing a radio fitting
When a person or persons is fit enough to fuck but you wouldn’t take them home to meet the family
The term used for a lady, who is driving a car that you see from your car. You can't be sure how good looking she is, so you hedge your bets.