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Nah, I'm good.

The equivalent of "absolutely not." Can also be taken as "if you ask me again, I have permission to punch you in the cocksucker." If someone tells you "Nah, I'm good," there's no possibility of them being persuaded otherwise.

Friend 1 - "Hey dude, wanna go get a drink with me?"

Friend 2 - "Nah, I'm good."

Friend 1 - "Fair enough!"

by jonnadanielle November 12, 2010

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Hell nah

idk i just say it when i disagree with someone or something..(i don’t say it i just felt like writing this)

Person:wanna jump of a cliff
Me:hell nah

by Im using my school account May 25, 2019

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

hell nah dawg

When your mate comes up with the worst idea possible in the current bad situation.

friend- yo let's break that glass and throw a rock at that barking dog
me- hell nah dawg, didn't u kno peta's watchin'?
friend- nah fam

by The Neighbour's Kid May 29, 2020

mash it up nah

A trinidadian phrase to usually said AFTER some one comes close to breaking something,it is a form of sarcasm.

person 1) knocks over appliance

Person 2) well mash it up nah.....

by bronte91 January 31, 2009

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Nah bro, what is this

when you encounter a rubbish thing and you're like nah bro what is this bro nah bro what is this bro what bro nah bro

"you have to do a 100000 word essay"
"Nah bro, what is this", " bro nah bro what is this bro what bro nah bro""

by BotBot3000 May 3, 2021

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

nah he tweaking

Nah he tweakin is commonly used for asking a gay nigga for sex, It's similar to I forgor but x10 gayer.

hey you look good, nah he tweaking

by ahsjfbeibd917272 August 26, 2021

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Hell nah nigga!

Phrase used by AfricanoBOi, "AfricanoBoiShow" on youtube. A literal definition; It's a harsh way of "No." or "No way."
But he doesn't use it as often as before, which sucks.

Sing the phrase in a high opera-like voice, and to hold out the "Hell" & "Nah" for 3 seconds, and the "Nigga" for 5 seconds. Vibrato is optional.

WARNING: White people/anyone who isn't Black should never say this, unless you hate your life and wish to end it or if a hospital is nearby.

-In a store-
-employee runs up to you-
Bitch: Hai sir! Like, could I help you or anything?
Tim: No, I'll just look myself.
Bitch: All right sir, may I suggest the clearance rack since you're black?
Tim: What?
Bitch: You're black, you want the clearance rack! Right?
Tim: ...
Bitch: -smiles- It's right over there, sir!

-pimp slaps Bitch across face-


Joey: Hey Tim, you got any oreos?
Tim: Hell nah nigga! I got some nilla wafers though.

by Oh man. o3o August 30, 2009

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